Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

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Chris: "Welcome back to total drama island over the past six weeks, we've watched Campers push themselves to the limit and then get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers. Sucks to be you (Laughs) Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Eva again, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, D.J., and Izzy again. Only six campers remain, and after six weeks of bugs, crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our six finalists are about this close to losing it. We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers de-stress, then decided it would be way more Fun to handcuff them together And see if we couldn't push 'em over the edge."

Heather: "Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?"

Chris: "Neh, all in the name of today's challenge: The Tri-Armed Triathlon!"

Owen: " Tri-armed? Like, three arms?"

Chris: "Yes! Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team and of course Yy is not going to be apart of this challenge since he has no one to pair up with meaning he gets off Scott free but can be voted off (prodding manner of speaking) unless he of course he partakes in the challenges all on his own (winks dramatically)."

Yy: "You're evil you know that right."

Chris: "Yes yes no need for flattery now are going to do it or not."

Yy: "(Sighs) Fine I'll do it."

Heather: "Have you met these people? I am not being chained to any of them."

Chris: "Winning team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote."

Yy: "[Confessional] I swear Chris likes to single me out to do the hardest things he can think of (covers his face with his hands as he sighs) maybe my grandfather asked him to it but even he's not this bad about my training."

-Other cast cam-

Gwen: "[Confessional] Six long weeks. I don't know how much more of this I can take. The person who's creasing me the most? Geoff. The guy is in a permanently good mood. No one is always in a good mood. And if he says "dude" or "cool" or eats with his mouth open one more time, I think I'm gonna seriously damage him."

Geoff: "[Confessional] The camp is great and all, a-and I'm seriously stoked to be here. Yeah... I miss my buds back home. Yo! If you're watching, this is a shoutout to all my bros back east, man! It's not that I don't like everyone who's left. They're just kind of downers. Except Owen, heh. That dude can party! Leshawna's cool, but Gwen and Duncan are like, so serious, and Heather is freaking me out with all her strategy talk. I thought getting to the final six would be like a big party, but... it's kinda heavy, man."

Duncan: "[Confessional] This place is torture, man. At least in juvie, we had a half hour of television a day and they kept the lunatics locked up separately. I mean, this outhouse, this is the only place I can go for peace and quiet. Oh, and you do not wanna come in here after Owen. [inhales sharply] Oh, yeah. And I don't know what Courtney said to Leshawna, but all of a sudden, she thinks I'm a "nice guy" or something, and she wants to be my friend. I don't have friends. Got that?"

Leshawna: "[Confessional] Yo! This is a shoutout to all my sisters back home. What's up, y'all? Girl, you would not believe the crazies they got up in here. But I came to win, and I'm hanging on, baby, only five more campers to go!"

Owen: "[Confessional] Yeah, baby! [laughs] Final six! Place at the table! Woohoo!"

Duncan: "[From outside] Keep it down!"

Owen: "[Confessional] [whispering] It's pretty awesome to be here. I'm so psyched, dude. Woohoo."

Heather: "[Confessional] That Yy kid I don't know what his problem is but he's going down (neck slice)."

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