Chaotic Final

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When Duncan arrived on the island he looked a little shaken up but once he saw Courtney his face seemed to light up before looking away all coy like which makes Yy smile a bit causing Duncan to get angry.

Duncan: "(Furious) You got something to say!"

Yy: "(Calm) Just thought you two together looked nice is all."

Duncan: "(Grabs onto Yy's shirt red with embarrassment) I don't look good ever especially not when I just lost a thousand dollars."

Yy: "It's okay to say that you like her."

Duncan: "(Let's go) Whatever."

Chris: "(Arriving on the island) Hello losers with things almost over just wanted all of you to support whoever you think is going to win and get the prize money that all of you lost (laughs and tosses three different flags) choose one of those or more and show some spirit people just cause none of you can have the money and fame from winning anymore doesn't mean you have to be all mopey about it (starts leaving once people start throwing things at him)."

Trent: "(Picks up Gwen flag) So what do we do about this."

Cody: "(Grabs Owen Flag) Pick whoever we want and hope for the best I guess."

Yy: "(Picks up both flags) I just hope one of them when over Heather."

Everyone else: "True."

And that's basically how the entire day goes with everyone choosing who they would like to win without giving Heather any sort of affection since she didn't earn or deserve any of it from anyone most of all Lindsay and Beth who seemed to take great pleasure in seeing all of her stuff get ignored with some of them even getting used as kindling for the BBQ.

Not even going to mention what the people who were really angry at Heather did to most of her flags before coming back looking more pleased than anything like they actually just fought and destroyed her.

Yy: "You know that you didn't have to do that right?"

Eva: "Yea but I wanted to and it felt great."

Yy: "Alright."

No one's gonna argue with a woman who's fought both the camp yeti, bear, and Izzy all while coming out with barley if any damage while also making her opponents flee in fear instead which also made things a bit awkward whenever Yy tried to do anything romantic since Eva would hurt him or literally throw him as far as she could.

So as Yy flies through the skies he sees Izzy make a little shrine for Owen along with added some of his flags to her hair as she prepares a fire dance because it's Thursday and no matter how many times everyone tells her not to she does so anyway except this time might be bigger because before Yy hits the ground he sees Izzy duck for cover.

Yy: "(Head in sand) I swear I don't know how Owen can but up with this."

Izzy: "(Popping up out of nowhere) Are we talking about Owen I love that guy I hope he wins so we can make more boom booms."

Yy: "Can you help out of here please."

Izzy: "(Picks Yy up with relative ease) There now do you know where everyone keeps raw food and gasonline."

Yy: "........ No I don't but even if I did I don't think you of all people need to know."

Izzy: "So you wanna play it hard ball (does three flips and cartwheels away) Oh well I can always sniff what I need."

Izzy then vanishes into the night which was very odd since it was still daylight outside with Katie and Sadie running across the beach and having fun as Lindsay and Tyler walk along romantically alongside Geoff and Bridgette with Courtney and a reluctant Duncan following.

And as if by call all the single guys watch the happy couples and Sadie and Katie have fun on the beach side while they all watch a bit miserable until one of the guys ask the million dollar question to three of the single men.

Cody: "Don't you guys have girlfriends."

Harold: "My queen doesn't want to party with them and were not dating yet."

Tyler: "Gwen's still off on the island hopefully making the big bucks."

Yy: "I have yet to get any invite from Eva or anyone else for that matter."

All the guys just sit back and relax as they watch the couples have fun with the others only realizing when Yy gets back that at some point he had gotten dragged away somewhere else that made him sweat and get out of breath as he needed to sit down for a while.

Cody: "Dude what happened where'd you go?"

Yy: "Getting forced to find out what it really means to have someone take an interest in you who likes to be in command all the time."

Trent: "Sounds rough."

Yy: "It was but an interesting time to say the least."

Seeing Tyler and Lindsay made Yy feel a little sad but he couldn't help the smile on his face grow when he saw that she didn't do anything that she did with him weather it be the small or big acts of love they shared as he looked at his friends and hoped that they all found their special someone's that hopefully didn't fall in love with him.

Yy: "Do any of you guys think we'll be doing this again latter or are these our last moments as friends?"

DJ: "What are you talking man were all brothers just no more having to fight each other."

Tyler: "Word man."

Yy: "But what about them (Points at all the romantic couple beach event going on)."

Cody: "Hope that some end for us single fellas but otherwise that they all have happy end and continue being with each other even after all these events."

Getting tired everyone eventually starts going back to their own rooms except for Yy who has some visitors that he has to entertain like a good host before any of them get some sleep so that they can all be rested for the big day in three weeks.

And with a laugh Heather enters the island of losers with most of her hair gone and a little terrified by Eva eyeing her like a shed been waiting for this day and the second she gets on Chris tells everyone to get packing for the finale of this season of Total Drama.

Yy: "I knew it was going to be quick just didn't think it'd be this quick."

DJ: "Ey man at least this way everything's faster and we all get home to our families faster (sniffs) can't wait to come home to mama and show her bunnie."

Trent: "Good for you big guy just don't forget us when your having fun back home."

DJ: "It's all good mama didn't raise no fool."

Everyone was having a great time since this was probably their list time all together before eventually making their way towards the boat and heading out for the final episode of this chaotic mess of a show.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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