Walk like an Egyptian

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As everyone arrives at a rundown airport Yy steps out of his limo along with Gwen, Cody, and DJ as he had picked them a short while before arriving as each and every one of them began dreading what they were about to do as everyone else started to show up.

Their feelings of dread seemed to get stronger as they watched the plane they were to be living in start to fall apart as parts of the wings, tail, sides, and even the propellers started falling off whenever a cool breeze past by.

It was a bit weird seeing everyone be so friendly with one another as Sierra the strange girl somehow appeared and began hugging Cody like he was some teddy bear as they all waited for everyone else, mainly Chris to appear and get this duct tape plane to start flying already.

The only thing that was more of a pain to get this entire thing sorted out was everyone getting their passports in order as almost no one had their passports and those that did almost all of them needed to be renewed. With the only exception being Gwen who just recently got hers renewed so she could do something with either plants or animals protest or whatever honestly Yy wasn't really paying attention to it all that much once she said she was at a beach area.

After what felt like three hours everyone had finally made it to the run down plane and that's when Chris started giving everyone the grand tour of their new home for quite a long while while also explaining to them what they were going to do.

Everyone who either didn't win a challenge is going to live strapped to these benches along with some seatbelts that either don't work or will stop working from the looks of it as Owen tried to do a test strap and broke two of them in the process of them getting over his body.

The next area was the common area that connected first class, loser class, and was the only way off the plane that you could also enter it at the end of the challenge days which was also where everyone but first class would eat and store their luggage for the remainder of the tour.

First class has actual chairs, a bar, mini fridge, a private bathroom, and even the ability to use internet and relax while listening to some music if they wanted to, the next area was the elimination room where some tiki torches and a stand with some chairs stood with a rug that was painted on in the center of the room which then lead to the cockpit of the plane.

Something a bit sad but also kind of funny happened in the elimination ceremony area when Chris immediately kicked Eziekel off the plane as he begged to be let back on. It was sad because it was a bit messed up to do but at the same time he was being very annoying to everyone with his new gangsta rapper phase to the point that people saw actual darkness start appearing off Yy whenever the two were next to each other.

Once everyone was boarded on the plane all the doors closed and the room got very dark as Yy made sure this Alejandro guy didn't try anything with no one as he attempted to do in the darkness to which he flicked the guys hand with some energy mixed in causing him a bit of pain later on in the day. 

The plane sets off towards their first destination that honestly no one wants as they were all flying in the economy section/ the loser section which meant they all had to deal with Owen freaking out over flying the entire time as Yy was forced to become the big mans teddy bear. 

Everyone would love to know where the heck they were heading off towards all while Yy just wondered when the heck they would land as Owen was starting to crush him a little bit as he kept hugging him tighter and tighter like a stress ball as Yy pretended to be fine.

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