Can't Help Falling in Louvre

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Its been about a week since Cody tried to vote of Sierra which resulted in her crying nonstop since then as she refused or couldn't form a single cohesive word the entire time along with clinging to Yy the entire time as he had become the plane's stress teddy bear for any and all to hug apparently.

This coupled with the fact that Cody seemed to try his best to make it up with her had resulted in Yy being forced to be part of a lover's spat as everyone around them called it as he was literally the wall between the two. All while Yy wondered what he had done to deserve this cruel fate as he had done mostly good in his life and the only time he was naughty was to put the bad people in their place or just to mess with them and let them know they weren't safe.

Making matters even worse if you could believe it or at least worse for Yy was the fact that during all of this Alejandro for the first time ever didn't try to swoon the lady and instead seemed to laugh whenever he Cody, Sierra, and Yy being the little idiots they were.

Eventually it came time for the challenges to occur and wouldn't you know it, they landed in Pari, of all places which meant that for the first time everyone would be able to see something grand as the place was filled with Yy's company products along with being a place just in general beautiful to see.

However they weren't going to go sight seeing around the place and instead be forced to take part in an art challenge in the glass pyramid that housed lots and lots of famous works of art all of which Yy didn't really care for as he'd already seen them plenty of times, that and he was also more of a fan to modern art/architecture than anything since he liked to see the changes in how people live along with seeing what people create throughout the ages.

Anyway none of the was really important as it didn't do anything for the current challenge everyone had to face which was rebuilding the broken statues that were placed in random boxes that were then scattered across the museum.

The only hint that anyone got was a little card that showed what each of their statues was supposed to look like with Yy's being either ironically chosen or chosen by Chris being that of a statue of a warrior long since passed that was the most pain in the behind to make because of how grand and detailed it was.

Yy: "(As Sierra cries) Chris I hate you, I really do."

What made things truly annoying and a major league pain for Yy was that Sierra wouldn't rejoin her group no matter what anyone said and just kept hugging/clinging to Yy as she kept crying the entire time as Yy just let it be and instead of her hugging to him like a cobra he started holding her hand so he could actually get some work done as Team Amazon worked all this stuff out.

Thankfully it didn't take that much longer for Team Amazon to team up with one another as they all tried to get to work before everything had to be put on hold as the little singing bell had appeared causing everyone around to groan as Sierra and Cody began their little Duet.

While Team Amazon was off doing whatever the heck they were up to with their song and dance routine that would hopefully finally free Yy from being the plane comfort tool for at least a single night as he hadn't had any time of peace for two weeks at that point!

-Meanwhile after the song as Cody and Sierra are outside-

Cody: "Look I'm sorry okay. (Rubs the back of his neck) Just... just give me some space sometime is all I ask okay?"

Sierra: "(Looks grumpy and then turns to Cody who in her eyes looks like the most attractive man ever along with having puppy dog eyes which were the only true look he had.) Oh Codykins I could never stay mad at you!"

Sierra then jumps at Cody like a leopard waiting for its prey to lower its guard as she hugs and squeezes him for all his worth and doesn't stop until they both hear something crack and pop before Cody passes out as Sierra removes his face from her bosom.

Sierra confessional: "*Static* (Screams in glee) Oh boy! I am like Oh so glad I learned on how to make a boy jealous even if it meant having to shave my head in front of the whole school! But I'm honestly starting to have second thoughts on who my top man is. I mean on one hand there's my Codykins (sounds very angry) who tried to rip out my heart and stomp on it (returns back to normal) but took the time to actually try and make up with me in PARIS (screams again). But on the other there Yy (Yy suddenly feels a chill run down his spin) who's been used to promote the show enough that he's most peoples first thought when it comes to the show (puts finger on lips) weird... but thanks to me trying to get Codykins jealous I found a man who even though he doesn't know me that well or possibly even likes me was willing to let me stand by their side and cry my heart out *Static*."

Eventually Yy manages to find all the pieces he needed to build his statue even after the little fiasco with the laser beams tried to be but honestly who hasn't messed around with lasers before and tried to dodge as a kid.

Sadly however Yy wasn't first as that honor instead went to Team Amazon of all people, since thanks to the little heart to heart they all had with one another they managed to work extremely well to the point they finished first even though everyone thought they'd get dead last Yy included.

Thankfully however Yy managed to beat Team Chris is really really really hot which made him feel better for the point zero two seconds he could before Sierra rushed towards him and gave him a death grip like hug that was a struggle to stay alive to the point he didn't even realize where she was placing his head in between her chest.

When Yy finally managed to break free from her gorilla like grasp he realized they were back on the ship and that he was forced to sit besides Cody as Sierra now acted just as insanely attached to him as she did with Cody to the point the man looked at Yy with pity as he mouthed the words "sorry".

When Yy eventually managed to get free from the seat and Sierra he found out through Tyler that Team Victory had lost once again and that the final outcome between the team had come down between Lindsay and DJ with DJ coming out the victor but Lindsay managed to stay instead as the sole survivor of Team Victory.

Yy: "Do you know why it got switched last second?"

Tyler talks as a scene plays over: "Well it was the strangest thing-"

"As everyone was praising DJ for his fashion idea which was just his clothes on Gwen out of nowhere (Alejandro appears in the shadows and smiles as he throws something at the stage) the head of a statue seal rolls in front of DJ causing him to scream bloody merry around the place. (Cut to Chef and Chris who go over to try and calm the big man down as their renting time was almost up. As they left a dark hand with a familiar bracelet appears and does something to the suit case underneath.)-"

Tyler continues talking as their back on the plane: "But whatever can't say the big man didn't want it and besides (places hand on Yy's shoulder) I'm just thankful that everything worked out in the end."

Yy: "Yea (squints his eyes as Alejandro passes by) everything worked out in the end."

Yy then began approaching Alejandro but before he could say or do anything to the man both Lindsay and Sierra appeared and started acting like the twins from Action as they both began pulling his arms towards their direction as Alejandro gives Yy a little wave before going back to his side of the plane.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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