I See London...

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Sitting in first class is Lindsay and Yy as the two clink their glasses together and have a toast to their wonderful victory that defied all odds of normalcy along with getting rid of the worst man in the game aka Alejandro as he hopefully won't be making any sort of return.

Especially since his farewell speech seemed to be full of hate and bitterness towards some people even if his words didn't match the tone that Yy could feel he had towards everyone there, probably for the best that no one tells him it wasn't rigged as that's what Yy thinks Alejandro thought as he was jumping out of the plane.

Lindsay: "Oh, I can't wait to see where we go next! I mean next we could go to your home Yy! Oh, Oh and then maybe we could go see my home as well (screams in glee)!"

Meanwhile Yy wonders just where the heck Lindsay thought he was from? Like yes he's Asian and has ancestry in China but for the better part of a few years now his entire family has lived in Canada, heck their main office headquarters for the company is stationed in Canada!

Like does she believe that Yy was just visiting Canada when it just so happened to start advertising for people to sign up for the new reality T.V. show that would eventually lead to where they were at now.

But whatever none of this really mattered especially because they were both enjoying their time alone together in first class as they enjoyed everything that it had to offer even if it was a bit lonely as whenever one of the stopped talking or went away for a bit it would get super quite.

Thankfully however Lindsay liked to talk or had a lot she wanted to say which made it to where the place was rarely quite, especially when it was night time. But those are reasons that no one really needs to worry about all that much other than the fact that Chef and Chris liked to leave auto pilot on during those times and it sometimes made for a bumpy ride.

However this was all a sweet sweet memory that Yy had as he and Lindsay were back in economy with everyone else as Chris apparently needed first class for whatever the next challenge was going to be and the two were now stuck with everyone else.

The weirdest thing however would have to be the fact that Gwen seemed to have only one of her hands sunburned which was strange especially since last Yy saw she was chilling on the beach in Jamaica completely protected by her umbrella along with being in the shadows like the goth she was.

It was honestly very hard to convince Gwen to go out and have fun in the sun to the point that Yy had to promise that he owed her a single favor that she could call in at any time whenever she wanted whether it be in ten weeks or ten years didn't matter.

Yy confessional: "*Static* (Groans) For everything that I and Lindsay had to sacrifice to get Gwen outside and enjoy the beach (grumbles) I really hope it was worth every second Cody got from it, cause I know I already did and that seeing her smile *Static*. "

Yy then notices that Gwen was sinking her sun burnt hand into something that gave him war flashbacks, especially after hearing what the thing was made from but was pleasantly surprised when Courtney didn't use it in the way he was familiar with and instead let Gwen sink her hand into the bucket.

After a long enough wait Chris then told everyone that they were basically going to go on a giant London mystery hunt as they go around the place looking for every clue to try and figure out who the killer behind the mask was.

Chris: "Now of course this wouldn't really be a murder mystery if we didn't have a punishment for getting caught (everyone gasps) but don't worry all that's going to happen is that you're going to be disqualified from the challenge and be forced to watch as everyone else gets closer to winning."

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