The Big Sleep

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As you sleep and dream of showing off your skills in martial arts to your friends, teammates, and other people that you have an attraction for you then get a sudden wakeup call from a loud horn as did everyone else and after you and the rest of the guys woke up fully you kind of heard Chris explain what the challenge was while hearing Lashawna talk angrily at where you think he was.

After getting out of the team cabin you along with Duncan and Geoff top Eva from trying to pummel Chris for some reason that you think he probably deserves before then getting to the designated area to run twenty kilometers around the lake with everyone else.

After running for a bit, you get a bit too hot and frustrated so you get rid of your shirt and ask one of the girls to hold onto it as they were the ones following along with you and after doing so started to run faster and complete it after helping a stepped-on Owen up and healing him a bit with your energy before continuing on to finish the run.

When finished you followed along as you all entered the main lodge while seeing Noah unconscious being carried by Owen to a nearby table trying to revive him as you send a bit of your energy to him to help in the process of waking him up.

And after Hearld and Courtney come in last the Screaming Gophers start to celebrate because they think they have won the challenge before Chris lets them all know that it was only part one of their challenge before unveiling a delicious banquet for the campers to eat.

And as you watch everyone eat to their heart's desire you only partake in in a small bit of it as you have been taught to only take in what is needed not wanted no matter how much the body may yearn for it in the beginning and once everyone was finished consuming all the food, they could Chris then told them all that the real challenge was an Awake-A-Thon.

To which it was then revealed that run and banquet was to make it harder for them all to stay awake Gwen called him devious for it and she and then Trent made bets on who would stay up the longest with you being the wild card of the whole competition.

After twelve hours if you were a betting man you would have won something from Gwen and Trent as everyone was still awake with Owen being the first man to pass out with you being the only one still fine as you use your energy to be just fine whenever you felt like needing a pick me up.

After a while you see Eva leave to do something with Heather going over to where Eva had dropped her MP3 player and before she could continue on with whatever she was planning you then appeared and started to lose yourself over to your other side a little bit as you stopped her and retrieved your teammates MP3 player.

After a few more hours it finally hit the twenty-four-hour mark with you now using more and more of your inner energy to try and not do anything with some of the sleep deprived women as they started to try and "get your attention" with some of the things they were doing while you could also see Owen naked start sleep walking for some reason to some other area.

While that happens you see that more and more people are trying to stay awake with them eventually passing out at some point in time and then after a while Chris starts to read some fairy tales with Chef dressed up like a fairy putting more and more of the campers to sleep.

And after a while the only people left are you, Gwen, Trent, Duncan, Eva, Justin, Cody, Heather, Harold, and Noha as you then start to just watch everyone doing their own thing with Trent and Gwen starting to maybe grow feelings with one another and Duncan being a jerk to Harold as he sleeps and just more weird things going on with this whole challenge.

After fifty-one hours you all realize that Justen had been faking being awake by painting his eye lids to look like they were open the entire time which caused him to be disqualified after Chris went over and saw it for himself and after that more and more people started to pass out with you just talking to everyone that was still awake trying to help them while also trying not to get more bored than you already were.

After hearing both Noah and Cody scream like there were in a horror flick everyone around in the challenge area got a little bit more energy in them from that but just for a moment before Chris then let everyone take a quick shower as they had all started to stink really badly.

And after a hundred hours in with only you, Ducan, Gwen, Heather, Eva, and Trent Chris then decided to start reading "the history of Canada in pop-up book form." Much to the dismay of everyone including you but not so much since you did not know a lot about anything other than the basics and Martial arts of the family so you tried to put more effort into learning everything you could from it as long as you could.

After a while you are the third one out after Eva and Heather passed out because from what you said later in the confessionals "Yea I could have won that and continued going but that's not the reason I'm doing all of this and besides doing what I do to be awake that long was not fair to the rest of them, so I forfeited at the last mile since it would be more honorable to do so."

After a while at the elimination ceremony everyone gets a marshmallow except Eva much to her anger and frustration but the one who calmed her down a bit was you after letting her know that it was alright and that the next time, she comes she should quinch her anger as that was the reason the others let her go which made her a bit mad but calmed her down as she could not be mad at you.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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