Phobia Factor

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As you and the rest of your team are all sitting by the fire you hear Sadie get dragged over by Bridgette to where everyone else as she has not stopped crying sine Katie got voted out and when you all sat down the Screaming Gophers came over with some green jelly with a gummy worm inside to chill out as their cabin gets aired out from Owens farts.

And after Courtney freaks out over the jelly DJ then freaks out as he thought there was a snake inside the jelly which then led to everyone talking about all their deepest fears and when everyone said theirs, they looked at you to hear what yours was.

After giving in from the looks everyone gave you, you told them that you were afraid of losing all those you cared about even if you had the power to make sure nothing happens to them it was still something you would rather not have to experience ever.

And after you all then go back to your cabins with Courtney getting snippy at Duncan you all wonder what the next challenge would be and what you all would have to do, when you all wake up and after getting ready head over to main cabin.

After you all head on in Chef feeds Tyler a "special" meal as Chris then explains what todays, challenge is and what they all have to do by saying what their worst fears are and what everyone has to do before Tyler then bits into his meal only for a chicken head to pop out as everyone then realizes that they let everyone know what they all feared.

And as everyone else starts their challenge you are then told by Chris to do nothing as he then straps you down to see and hear everything that is happing to all the other campers and that he was not allowed out until the last few moments of the challenge from helping everyone.

Everything was fine for the first few moments as there was nothing really scary from what you saw from how everyone else was reacting because all you saw were very harmless things that did not really do much of anything except mess with them that was until you saw what Owen, Izzy, and Gwen were having to face Cody not so much since it was just a major stink bomb.

When you see how Bridgette is doing you at first feel relief and find it a bit cute that was until you saw her kick a chipmunk across the island and into the water of the beach like it was a golf ball which made you feel a lot more uncomfortable at seeing her leg strength.

You then look over and see that Trent is helping bury Gwen before then running away from a mine as Geoff then comes in getting hit by manmade hail that was being controlled by Chris which made you shake a bit as you tried to get out before you settled down for a bit.

But you calm down a lot when you see animal love DJ be a ray of sunshine as he is just picking up and playing with a very cute and small looking snake from where you are strapped down seated at.

After looking over everything you see that Trent had been talking to Gwen as she looks a lot worse for wear then when she was able to talk to someone kind of like you at the moment since Chris had made it to where you could see and hear everything, but you could not do anything to help them.

Then you see Duncan facing the life-sized cardboard cut-out of Céline Dion and with the help of Courtney he goes and hugs her facing his fear while also getting a hug from Courtney as well in the process before she then shoves him and gives him congrats for doing so as Duncan then looks at the camera and says, "She digs me I know she does."

When you check back on Trent you see that he had dived into the water as the mime stood on the dock of shame but before he could jump in after him Trent told the mime that his makeup will get runny which led to him giving up and walking away as Trent then got out of the water with getting a score for his team.

You then see Trent walk on over to Trent as Geoff is getting hit by manmade hail which Lindsey thought the cloud was cute which calmed you down a bit at seeing her being adorable as ever before Trent then told Chris a way to make Geoff more miserable and when he does Trent then remembers his promise to Gwen before then taking off.

And the final thing that you see before you are freed by Chef as you reached your time limit was Cody going boom and Bridgette getting spoked as they were near the same area and once Chef got you out, he then grabbed you and carried you back to the others as you were staying in a secret area that played all the recordings of what goes down on the Island.

As Chef dropped you at the elimination ceremony area you then walked over to where you thought Gwen was at only to see her through a walkie talkie at Trent before then storming out of her coffin and angrily marching somewhere to relax as you tried to calm her down for a bit which you had no idea if it worked or not sense she was reeaally mad.

When you meet up with everyone else at the eliminate ceremony area you found out that you all lost because Tyler and Courtney would not face their fears which made you a bit disappointed, but you could understand because if you had no training in your family's martial arts or not seen things that calmed you down you would have also lost.

And after you all made your votes, it was only a waiting game to see you would voted off the island and like the other times before you got a marshmallow since you rarely got any votes and when Tyler was the one who got voted out you then helped him onto the boat and tried to get him to cheer up as you saw what was on it.

And after you all made your votes, it was only a waiting game to see you would voted off the island and like the other times before you got a marshmallow since you rarely got any votes and when Tyler was the one who got voted out you then helped h...

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(Im leaving this here because I thought it seemed appropriate.)

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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