The Sucky Outdoors

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At the campfire Chris is explaining what the challenge for this week is and that all the teams have to do is survive a night in the woods with the provisions given at their campsite and return to camp the next morning the first team to do so gains invincibility.

He then gives Heather and Duncan maps and compasses, but Duncans map gets taken by Courtney then Chris tells everyone to be aware of the Bears which lets everyone know that Leshawna is afraid of them before Owen and Izzy start talking about bear stories.

While walking away you pass by Gwen and after giving her a high five for what you both did to Heather last time you tell Trent to cheer up and that she just needed some time before regrouping with the rest of your team to make way to base camp.

At the Killer Bass camp site, you ask your teammates if they have any idea where Katie and Sadie might have ended up but before you could do anything else Courtney tells you to get back to work and that everyone could look for them later after they had won the challenge.

While walking around and trying to help out in any way that you could you overheard Geoff trying to flirt with Bridgette really badly like one of the worst pick up lines you had ever heard badly you then hear Duncan and Courtney discussing/arguing about who should collect the food for them to eat before DJ comes in with a sick rabbit in his arms.

Which Duncan then suggest they cook it up for dinner, but DJ then says how he was going to take care of the little guy as his pet and name him Bunny and after petting the little guy and telling DJ he did a good job you then continue with setting up camp, but you do so in a tree as its comfier and safer than on the ground.

When some of your team members ask you why you said that was how he and the rest of his family had been camping while training for years and that most things that can hurt humans the most are stuck being on the ground while they can climb up.

When you finish up you hear the rest of your teammates telling ghost stories around the fire with Duncan scarring a fair bit of the team with his story and before you leave you hear one of the girls scream before accidentally burning the tents down while you then leave to search for Katie and Sadie.

As you search for the missing team members you finally find them by way of hearing high pitched shrieking and when they see you, they practically drag you inside to help them settle their arguments while also using you to feel safer than when they were alone.

While inside the cave you hear the thundering sounds of rain and all you can do is hope that the rest of your team and the Gophers are safe while you try and mediate between Sadie and Katie to help them out through any problems they may have with their relationship.

After a long night of talking, you finally got them to stop name calling and passing the blame at each other for the things that happened between them when they were younger and making helping work through it all to have a better relationship then the one, they have now.

When everything finally calms down you all are too tired to continue with anything, so you cuddle up with both of them before nodding off and when you wake up both Katie and Sadie are cowering behind you as a bear has just come inside the cave and looks angry.

After getting the bear to calm down you then head back to camp with Katie and Sadie and while you walk you could hear them talk about something but not quite sure what it was other than it involved a "cute butt" as that was the clearest thing you could hear from them without your powers.

When you finally get to where everyone else is you can see that your teammates and some of the girls are what looks like to be threating Chris over something but go back to how they usually are when you show up with both Katie and Sadie.

As you, Katie, and Sadie had cost your team the challenge you knew that at least one of you were going to be voted off but they said that it was not going to be you as you had too much talent and skills to be voted off and that if you were some of the girls would hurt them if they tried.

And as you all get your marshmallows Katie does not and after escorting her by way of demand you princess carried her all the way onto the boat of losers as Sadie cried the whole time and you could feel some heated glares at the back of your head and as you put her down, she gave you a kiss on the cheek goodbye while doing the same for Sadie and Trent.

And as she went away you and the rest of the team had to pry Sadie off the pier so that she could be ready for other challenges and win it for both of them while also being told to princess carry her to make it fair.

Once it was all done you then heard Courtney scream at Duncan before going back to her side of the cabin before you met up with Lindsey and giving her a princess carry as well since she starred daggers at you as you carried the other girls to make her happy.

When it was all done you kissed her goodnight and then went to bed tired as Tyler was angry at what you did with Lindsey before also going to bed for the night as you all wondered what insane challenge was going to come next while you also wondered how everyone was going to act because of what you did.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace also what phobia do you want yy to have let me know and I'll make it happen next time.

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