Super Hero-Id

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Most people love super hero's and anything that involves them to at least some degree, however as Yy has never read, watched, or even knew about their existence till he was forced by his friends to watch lots of movies about various things.

One of which was an entire series of movies about some studio made timeline that everyone seemed to have different emotions when watching with them skipping some of said movies from the marathon because they simply didn't like it along with them sighing about the new releases apparently sucking.

Which of course left Yy completely confused as he had no idea about anything involving the characters, the studio that made them, and finally he had no real care about anything involving them as he could do pretty much almost everything that was shown and actually feel them in real life.

Now why did any of this matter, its simple my dear reader and that's because Chris loves to mess with his contestants by having them do things that are probably not legal anywhere else in the world except for when making T.V. as the kids have already signed away their rights as a person.

Anyway once the morning of the challenge truly starts everyone is at the canteen area eating some greasy burritos along with whatever Chef felt like serving them that could be considered food only during the great depression or as authentic Chinese food.

Chris then appears looking like some weird bat costumed guy as he then reveals what todays challenge theme was before throwing down a smoke bomb and running off as fast he could which everyone saw as this was a very cheap and very defective smoke bomb. With it acting more like a seasoning bomb as it only gave out just enough to make it seem mysterious but not enough to hide Chris running out of the canteen.

Chris: "You're first challenge is to make your superhero costumes, names, powers, and if you want an alter ego. Which will then be rated by Me (puts his hand on his chest all dramatically) and our other judges. And just to make things even more fun for me we have our very own supervillain and his sidekick which will do everything in their power to sabotage the making of your super suits."

Everyone is of course outraged by this as not only does it have to look like an actual superhero outfit but they must also incorporate the underwear outside their outfits look that Yy had seen from the quick comic rundowns he was shown. As even Chris felt like it would have been too unfair and honestly really wanted to see what sort of outfit Yy would make when he knows what he's supposed to make.

After an hour of Yy learning how super's dressed and what he was supposed to do Chris starts the timer once everyone was in their own little areas as they all get to work by rushing over to get the cloth, fabric, yarn, and whatever else they may have needed for their hero costumes.

Yy of course got him self everything that was black and white along with little bits of grey just in case he ever needed them as he started making his outfit along with getting himself a pair of sticks that he felt like would be cool to have.

As Yy worked on his outfit out appeared some big venomous looking supervillain guy who was most defiantly just Chef in the costume probably playing out some sort of fantasy he had where he could destroy the hero's/ kids.

When the man tries messing with Yy and his costume ideas/ what he was working on however that's when Yy grabbed his sticks and hit Chef's hand with a light but stern tap as he goes back to working on his costume as the viper villain leaves to mess with the others.

After awhile everyone has finally made their superhero alter-ego outfits and was now doing a runway fashion show as they also explained everything about their costume and whatever powers they may posses.

Beth first starts walking down the runway as "Lumber woman" which honestly nothing more than pieces of lumber tied down with ropes around her body with her just chilling in her original clothes which of course gives her a 3/10. Justen then comes up calling himself "Timber man" which was a carbon copy of Beth's with the only difference being he had actual logs instead of planks tied to his body.

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