No Pain, No Game

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You and the rest of the guys finally make it back after having the time of all your lives you all were still partying and having a blast when you all made it back to campgrounds

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You and the rest of the guys finally make it back after having the time of all your lives you all were still partying and having a blast when you all made it back to campgrounds.

[Geoff Slides down the ramp first.]

Duncan: "[Slides down ramp] What a weekend!"

[DJ and Trent then slide down the ramp.]

Owen: "Whooo [As he slides down the ramp.]"

Finally, there was only you left as you too sled down the ramp, but you also jumped off at the end and spun around as you landed in front of the other guys.

Owen: "Oh sweet mother of murph you can't buy that kind of fun."

Duncan: "I think Owen and DJ took a real shine at those lovely ladies who served us hand and foot."

DJ: "Hello. The spa treatments, [Lifts up arms to show elbows] My alligator elbows totally gone."

Owen: "[Gasp and then touches DJ's arm] ohh like velvet."

You all then walk towards the girls who look angrier and more annoyed than anything when you all meet up and when Owen goes over and offers them snacks, he had brought over from the resort Lashawna throws her sandal at them causing them to sink into the water.

Owen: "Noooo o ooo."

Geoff: "It's okay dude the ladies are just a little jealous."

Duncan: "Yea who can blame them, they can barely stand each other and meanwhile us guys are tighter than family."

All you guys then cheer each other on Chris then tells everyone through the loudspeakers that as of this moment it's every camper for themselves after doing so all the guys split up on good terms while Lashawna was saying how it was about time and that you were all ready for the next challenge.

And much to almost everyone's horror they saw a boat of losers come back with Eva and you swear you could see fire behind her as she came riding back into the challenge.

Chris: "And by popular demand Eva is returning to camp."

As Eva walked through all of you, she reached up and kissed you while also kneeing you hard in the gut before then tossing you aside as she marched towards everyone else looking for revenge.

Chris then states after being reminded of what he had said more than once previously that if someone were to be voted out that they would not come back forever to which he responded he lied before then re-introducing Izzy to everyone again.

And after all you guys got ready for a new day and checked out your stuff you found that someone had either been through your stuff or had been messing with it as your bed was messed up and the inside of your suitcase had been rearranged by someone before then walking towards today's challenge area.

And after all you guys got ready for a new day and checked out your stuff you found that someone had either been through your stuff or had been messing with it as your bed was messed up and the inside of your suitcase had been rearranged by someon...

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Chris: "Welcome to your next challenge, the time-honored game of torture. Say Uncle. You all are about be put through test of endurance so insane that some of them sent our interns to the emergency room, if you back down from the challenge or do not last the required ten seconds you will be eliminated, the winner will not only be safe from elimination but will win this luxurious trailer, yours to take home at the end of the summer."

Leshawna: "What kind of torture?"

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Leshawna: "What kind of torture?"

You then slap your forehead as Chris introduces Chef wearing a ski mask with a butchers clear as his lovely assistant before he then gets on with the game.

Chris: "Alright let's do this, Duncan your first up let's spin the wheel of misfortune to select your torture."

You all then see Ducan get hit with very angry and chompy snappy turtles with the only thing he could do to protect himself was to use other parts of his body to shield from more painful areas or dodge them and when it was all done you all knew what awaited all of you.

Or at least you thought you did as Lindsay had to be waxed with melted Marshmallows over her face which she had seemed to enjoy as she even wanted to go again and after Eva forced Lindsay to pick Bridgette for a different challenge Geoff showed himself to be a great guy for her as he took it instead and got eliminated literally a nano second away from it being ten seconds.

Chris: "Alright Yy your up next but instead of using this wheel we have a special one for you since we thought none of these would affect you very much and also from a lot of fan-mail we received about you, that and with some things we had caught on camera [laughs] I don't which one is more fun yours or theres."

You then see a similar looking wheel but instead there was a heart with you face in the middle of it and every option was inside an envelope instead that they would then read if it was ever landed on.

Chris: "Also for every card selected they will be replaced with even worse ones just to spice things up a bit [laughs.]"

Chris then spins the wheel and the card that was selected made him appear a bit sad.

Chris: "[sighs] This one says you will have to break twenty bricks in one fell swoop."

Everyone just gasps as you just walk out on stage and then proceed to break twenty bricks like they were nothing before then walking back to your seat much to everyone's amazement.

And as the day went on you saw Owen wear wooden pants Bridgette wear a bee shirt and Izzy get shocked and also a poison ivy spa treatment while everyone saw you get undressed to you to your pants and nothing else, they hear about what you do for your normal workout routine.

Yy: "I like to run briefly around the island five times then I lift a makeshift barbell out of and old tree and some rocks I found and then I finish up by going up the cliff to do some pull ups before landing in the water to swim for a bit before getting cleaned up back on land."

After saying that everyone was shocked even Chris about how absurd your training regime is before then continuing with the challenge for everyone else which was Leshawna having to log roll with a bear and win which she had done amazingly.

Chris: "Alright everyone but Leshawna and Yy meet up at the elimination grounds."

Eva: "What! Why! He didn't even do anything!"

Chris: "Yep and that's why since he did his own things so we could get more views he stays that and also his contract states he can't win anything that gives him an advantage over anyone else unless he's in a team so he couldn't have won that thing if he wanted [laughs]."

At the elimination grounds to make things worse for everyone Chris shows who everyone voted for this time around and as Eva was dragged off, she made threats and promises towards everyone including you for some reason and just as she was about to say something about Izzy exited hearing range from everyone as you all then went to bed not caring anymore.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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