Picnic at Hanging Dork

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To say things have been a bit hectic around here would be a massive understatement as even in economy class Yy could feel the hate that was emitting off Courtney for Gwen and honestly for good enough of a reason, cause its kinda hard to argue the pros for cheating especially when it involves your supposed best friend or just a friend.

It didn't help that there was also mutual hatred in economy class between both Yy and Duncan thanks to Duncan's cheating and him trying to call Yy out for basically doing the same thing even though every woman he's been with knows that there have and will be others and for the most part seem fine with it.

Of course it does kind of hurt Yy to see them with other men if they were to do so but he can't really act on that as it would be unfair and selfish to ask them to remain faithful at all times as he has other woman himself.

This however didn't stop the anger between the two as Duncan views Yy attacking him for no reason while Yy believes that Duncan is scum of the earth and should have both his legs and farms broken or at least harmed in such a way that he can't move his body for awhile.

Yy Confessional: "*Static* I beleive in redemption but based on how Duncan's acting I don't think he's ever going to change (starts wrapping his arm in bandages) without a little pain (he says with somewhat enthusiasm as he bumps his hands together) to help him back to the light. *Static*"

Duncan Confessional: "*Static* I swear I knew this Yy kid was degraded because of everything he says and does but him saying (overexaggerates Yys way of talking) "Oh I can have a many girls because I'm rich and don't care what others say along with thinking I'm so cool because I'm loner McCool." And other such things but I tell you what get me in the ring with that guy and then we'll see who's really tough! *Static*"

Duncan then opens the door and seems to be a little afraid of whoever's on the other side with the only thing the camera picks up is a black leather sleeves as someone pulls Duncan out as he seems to panic even harder.

We then cut back to Economy class as Duncan has a couple ice packs all over his body as Yy is listing to something on some sort of music player along with him for some reason wearing black fingerless gloves for some reason along with no one wanting to ask any questions on what just happened.

The second one of them does try and ask the million dollar question Chris lets everyone know that their landing wouldn't be an easy nor comfortable one as apparently they couldn't get the brakes to work for some reason.

As the plan starts spiraling all over the place as Chris and Chef try and find a good place to land everyone in first class seems to be for the most part fine as they sound like their just riding one heck of a ride while everyone in economy class is trying their best to stay in the plane or on their seats.

Once the plane finally stopped and landed (as best it could anyway) no one could see Yy anywhere and as they looked around for him the man of the hour eventually fell from the ceiling of economy class right on Duncan's back with everyone hearing a loud pop and crack.

Everyone soon leaves the plane with Sierra and Cody dragging Yy out of the plane as Duncan gets help from Owen who carries him like a princess as it's what he felt like was the easiest way to hold him while Duncan looked a lot worse for ware than before.

Which of course brought a great big smile on Yy's face even if it hurt him physically to do so as falling on Duncan didn't help whatever broken bits the rough landing had created as he got stuck in the ceiling of the economy class part of the plane.

Chris: "(Claps his hands and starts talking in a bad Australian accent) Alright you dingos and dingetts let get this Emu race started."

Everyone looks at each other with a blank stare as they try to figure out what the heck Chris was on about which did not go unnoticed by the host as he cleared his throat and said the same thing but with his normal voice along with actually telling them the location as to where they would be going.

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