Haute Camp-ture

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Yy: "(Drinking a smoothie) Aaahh this is paradise but (opens one eye and sees Harold hiding in the tree of his hammock as he continues drinking a smoothie) what are you doing up there Harold?"

Harold: "(loudly whispers) Hiding from Courtney."

Yy gives his cup a swirl as he gets up from his hammock and sees that everyone who got voted off is also waking up from where ever they were sleeping since this place has basically everything that he's somewhat used to making it paradise for everyone else.

Walking past Justin he sees every girl but Izzy stare dreamily at him but the second he comes into view a few of them stop looking at him for but a moment to check him out before returning to staring at Justin applying some Sun Lotion.

Yy: "Hey Noah what's up (hand shakes) read anything interesting lately?"

Noah: "Only what I packed so no not really (shows book about college level physics) this is my third time reading it but its better than nothing."

Just then Izzy pops out of the water like a shark scaring Noah causing him to almost loose his book while Yy catches it with a feral Izzy attached to his arm like a leach and after a bit of shaking she finally comes off leaving bite marks.

Yy: "(Rubs arm) I have no idea what Owen sees in you?"

Izzy: "(Matter-of-factly) Izzy like Owen and Owen like Izzy."

Yy: "Please tell me you don't have anything."

Izzy: "I'm not a wild beast! (brief pause) but if you must know I've had all my shots already before I came here."

Noah: "(Rolls eyes) Greattt at least we know your okay."

Yy walks away from all of them high fiving DJ along the way as he grabs two bottles of juice to Geoff and Bridgette as they make up for lost time with Tyler and Lindesay going at it as well.

DJ: "Bro you really okay with that."

Yy: "(Shrugs) Why not Tyler liked her first and at some point she should hopefully remember."

Trent: "I don't know man (wipes off water) I once saw her hold her breath because she wanted to know what it felt like to be a balloon."

DJ: "(Stares dumbfounded at Lindsay) That girl needs some help. (pets bunny as he carries meat towards the grill) you guys want any?"

Trent: "Sure man thanks."

Yy: "Sure I'd be honored to taste your cooking."

DJ: "Thanks man."

Trent: "What Yy said."

Yy turns around to see that Ezekiel has most likely done something to anger either one of the girls or just someone else in general as he tries to play it off all cool while looking pinker than the meat DJ was planning on cooking.

Yy: "(Sees Courtney and hides a barley exposed Harold) Hey Courtney found Harold yet!"

Harold: "(Tries to hide harder and silently) Gah!"

Courtney: "(Holding a lamp post) Not yet but when I find him he'll be sorry for ever messing with me!"

Duncan: "(Faintly) Hot!"

Yy: "(Checks his ears) Did anyone hear that?"

Courtney: "Hear what?"

Trent: "Nah I didn't hear anything."

Yy: "(Shrugs) I guess it was nothing."

Yy then walks into the Gym as some of the guys are working out Eva is in a far off coroner working out all on her own and seeing this Yy sits down next to her and waits for her to finish which if he new how long it usually takes her to work out he'd have stopped her far sooner.

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