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As you and the rest of your team enter the main lodge to try and get something to eat almost all of you are still dead tired from last times challenge and it only made it worse as Harold kept snoring when everyone was finally able to fully sleep and even you were reaching your limits on what you could stand without being able to rest yourself and your energy.

And as you barley make any effort in trying to be nice and help your team as well as all the other campers that might need some help Heather then starts trash talking both you and your team about having lost challenges and other not so nice things that you just bury it down and center it with positive chi.

And after Courtney losses it and flings some oatmeal but instead hits Gwen as she was too tired to really care Chris then comes in and lets everyone know that their next challenge starts in ten minutes and after fueling up and getting cleaned up you then leave to team up with the rest of your team members.

*Inside the confessional* yy: "when I saw what the challenge was, I was not prepared for it because I have been trained to win and how to fight in any situation I come across while housing a fighting spirit that just wants to destroy all who I come across, so dodge ball was not something I thought I was going to be able to do."

As Chris explains the rules and what to do Ducan then goes to sleep as he was too tired to care anymore and threatened anyone who woke him before Heather then started her normal trash talking as the game then started with Tyler get knocked out first while trying to impress one of the girls which also caused him to hit Sadie on your team.

After words Harold then tries to throw and hit Leshawna but fails to do so as he was too weak and before it could hit him you take the ball for him and get timed out as Lindsey then gets hit with a dodgeball as well and you both start to talk to each other before a new game starts.

And after Tyler gets hit out of the game he then tries to join in and before anything could happen you catch the ball that Heather was throwing at both of without even looking before giving it back to your teammates that were still on the field before continuing on with his private chat.

After some matches you, all find out how good Cody is at dodge ball while how bad Tyler is at it instead and after everyone starts to give him the balls he then starts to throw them all around hoping to hit something to which he then actually does but it was Lindsey the girl he was trying to get together with.

And as the team is cheering for him being able to finally hit something you then take Lindsey to get some medical help and as you both walk around for the sake of getting "help" you both then reach a nice quite place to relax as you both then talk, and you help her out a little bit since it must have hurt and been hard to see with the hits she took to the face.

After a while you both are starting to feel more and more attraction with each other but before anything could happen you then spin her around as Heather tried to drop a canoe on you as you all then returned to the challenge area with Lindsey looking a lot better than she did before.

And after getting back to his team you then proceed to snap as Courtney and everyone else is shouting and saying how worthless some of the team members are so after its done everyone can see that you have changed because you just silently walk towards one of the balls and then proceed to throw it like a normal regular throw and when it hits Owen, it hit him very very hard.

And after surprising your team and everyone else with a very creepy smile you all then proceed to win the game until you get hit and have some time to cool down for a bit and become your normal self after getting some help from Katie and Sadie.

And as everyone is now playing by Duncans play by play and you are no longer allowed in as your other side scared Chirs and Chef and found that the audience would have as well and are permanently benched to which you then start to cheer for your team to win as well as cheer for the other while getting some of your team angry at you, they accept that as you being normal again.

And as everyone is winning, and your cheering starts to get on some of their nerves it all then comes down to Harold as he was the last person left on the field and Owen was the last enemy that he had to defeat so that Killer Bass could win the challenge for the day.

And after an amazing display with him dodging the balls and then he miraculously caught the final dodge ball that won you all the challenge and as you all then cheered for victory your team got a bit mad at you for what you did more so Tyler as you were going after his girl, but you all come together in the end and had some fun to celebrate your first victory.

And while that was all going down you then meet with Lindsey and talked about what it was going to be like if she wanted a relationship with you as you told her that in your family it was normal for the head of the family to be able to have as many girls as they want and after asking how she thought of it she said it was fine as long as you still liked her as you both then kissed and went back to sleep for the night.

And that is all for and one harem member down and more to go but until then hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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