Chinese Fake-Out

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Flying through the air Yy takes everything in all the sighs he can see as he can already tell where he and everyone was going thanks to the pain in his chest he gets whenever he's near his homeland that formed thanks to his grandfather's teaching over the years.

Now anytime he gets too close to China no matter if its by air, land, or sea Yy will always get a pain in his chest that feels like someone was beating his chest like bongos with boxing gloves made of cement... which was exactly what his Grandfather had done to him in order to strengthen his body.

When he told Sierra, Cody, and Courtney that he thought they were all going to China none of them really believed him as how can a gut feeling be right? Especially when they've flown around and been near China many times in the past and he's never said or acted like this before.

But surprise, surprise to everyone besides Yy when Chris told them all that their next challenge was set in the wonderful country of China were they didn't have much access to the areas and had to be quick with what they got because of just how big it was and how many people lived there.

The plane lands some distance away from the great wall of China were they were to partake in their first challenge but Chris thought it'd be better to start where they landed instead for a first come first serve type of thing for the real start to the challenges.

Everyone begins running as Yy takes a little break by force because someone at some point somehow managed to tie his shoes together, which he didn't even think were possible as they were boots and required multiple laces for it to tie on to his feet.

Yy: "Duncan you son of a bi-"

Duncan confessional: "*Static* Yea I tied his feet together so what? He's out to get me and I'm out to get him its how the cookie crumbles and besides. No one's beating me this time since I have the advantage of being the winner last time and no one's going to stop me from taking my prize like last time. *Static*"

Yy starts untying the pieces of string that Duncan somehow put in his boots without him even realizing it or anyone for that matter as he was in first class when all of this should have happened and there's really no way Duncan could have done this without at least one person knowing about it.

The only person that even came close to mind was Blaineley but she didn't appear until after everyone had landed as she managed to sneak her way into Chris's private residence on the plane along with making herself more than a little at home before Chris kicked her out.

Somehow it took Yy about thirteen minutes of trying to untie the rope before he just broke it by ripping them off and putting them in his pocket as littering in China is very bad and could cost him another night of discipline if his grandfather saw him do it epically in their homeland!

Once the laces were destroyed it didn't take Yy that long to get back and reach everyone else only to see that everyone had already picked a ride for the next part of the challenge as Chris continued to talk to some producers over the phone.

Not wanting to get disqualified or be last Yy takes the only thing left which was apparently a tiny skateboard that Geoff used to ride back when they were still on an island together which does bring back some fond memories... and some not so fond ones.

Chris: "(Closes his phone) Alright so... (looks at Yy) when the heck did you get here?"

Yy: "I've been here the whole time."

Chris: ".... Alright whatever. (Clears his throat) Anyway what's going to happen is that everyone is going to take their mode of transportation and make their way to the finish line in this here great wall of CHINA! And-"

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