I landed in the world of Black Butler (Black Butler fanfiction)

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It had been a long 3 days of con and i was still in my cosplay outfit which happened to be Sebastian who I was totally in love with despite him being an anime character. I had his contract sign tattooed on my hand when I was old enough to get one and had in contacts to make my eyes look like Sebastian's demon eyes despite the fact that I had the same crimson color eyes as said sexy butler and my hair was the same color and cut as Sebastian's hair. I had my bag with me that had my cosplays that i had worn the first 2 days of the con. The first was Madame Red's dress(the one she weirs in the anime and is killed in) as well as a wig that was the same color and cut as hers and her big hat that she always has on, the second one was Ciel's outfit complete with special ordered contacts to match both of his eyes and a  wig that looked like Ciel's hair and his eye patch along with his walking stick , and finally was the masquerade dress which looks like the ball dress Madam Red wears to the party in that episode Ciel dresses like a girl. I also had my computer with 5 extra battery's for it and my five 3 terabit disk drives that have all my anime, art, music, manga and stories on. I also had my normal cloths from the day I arrived at the hotel which were dirty and hiding at the bottom of my bag. Also in my bag was all the swag and new anime's, manga and other Japaneses related objects in it. I was on my way to meet my friends at the bus stop so we could all ride home together because our parents didn't want us to come in the first place.

I was going to use a short cut that I had taken almost every year and didn't think much of where I was going until I noticed how dark it was getting and I could smell flowers which was odd for being in the city. I see the light at the end of the way and so I walk to it not thinking much about it until I step out into a garden in front of a blond boy who looked slightly familiar. "Sebastian?" The boy asks. I was used to it because I looked like him and I was the same height as well. "Hmmm?" I ask not really paying to much attention to him as I look around the big garden. The boy walks over and he gently pulls on my arm so I look down at him. "Sebastian what is wrong with your eyes?" The boy asks. I recognize him now it was a really great Finny cosplay. "Nothing. Where are we? I was on my way to....." I say but the boy jumps away from me as I speak. I didn't understand why he was acting like that but ignored it until I see a familiar looking man. It was a nice cosplay better then mine. "Finny what is going on here? Who is that?" Sebastian asks. He walks over and has a shocked look then it fades into his calm composed face.  "A guest come with me." He says as he starts to walk away. I follow him into a house that looks a lot like the Phantomhive manor.

I follow him up to what I was guessing a study and sitting behind a desk was a boy who looks a lot like Ciel Phantomhive himself. "Sebastian who is this?" Ciel asks as he looks up at me. His shock was clear on his face and he stood to walk over to us. I still had my bag with me so I set it on the floor. "Who are you? What are you?" Ciel asks as he studies me. "I'm Selene. I'm just a normal girl."  I say as I look at him. "Your a girl? Why do you look like Sebastian?" Ciel asks as he takes a few steps back from me. "Ohhh you mean my cosplay? Well I always loved the sexy butler Sebastian so I dressed up as him. This is the best one if I say so myself but my Ciel cosplay was pretty good but not as popular and my Madame Red one." I say in a mater of fact tone. Sebastian  is now in front of me and I was suppressed by how fast he moved. "What is cosplay?" Sebastian asks as his eyes flash fusha then back to crimson. "Cosplay is where you dress up as your favorite character from a show, game or book. I am obsessed with Black Butler so all my cosplays this year were from there." I say. My eyes were starting to hurt which reminds me of my contacts. I pull off the glove of my left hand where my tattoo was and pull the contact case out of my pocket.  I open it and quickly remove the little pices from my eyes blinking a few times as tears fall.

"Why dose that always happen when I take them out?" I mumble to myself. I blink a few times before looking at the two studied men. "Is something on my face?" I ask as I put my hand to my face. Sebastian takes several steps forward and grabs my left hand. "Where did you get this?" Sebastian hissed as he tightened his grip. "At a tattoo parlor. I got it because of how much I liked Sebastian from Black Butler. Will you let me go?" I ask as I try pulling my arm away from him. There was a crash in the hall and we turn to look at the door which opened and Finny with Bard and Mey Rin walk in. I was shocked to say the least and quickly looked at Ciel. "What is today's date?" I ask.  Ciel said it and I gasp there was no way what he was saying was true. Ciel orders Finny, Bard and Mey Rin out of the room and he turns his attention back to me.  "Ohhh my ohhh my I'm in the world of Black Butler and I flat out told Sebastian I like him.......Ohhhh this is so not good. Where are they and what is going on." I mumble as they watch me pace back and forth. I finally stop to look up at them.

I landed in the world of Black Butler (Black Butler fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now