Chapter 2

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Sebastian's pov.


  Selene was already asleep and I was helping the young master get ready for bed. "Sebastian what do you think of Selene?" Ciel asks after he lays in his bed.  I give a small sigh and look around. "She seems to be a nice girl but she is a little odd. I don't know if I would trust her right away." I say. Ciel nods before looking around. "Keep a eye on her for the next few days. When you feel that we can trust her then you will no longer need to watch her." Ciel orders. "Yes my lord." I say before bowing. I leave him alone and walk quickly to Selene's room.  I wanted to see if I could get my seal off her hand so I went to get a wash cloth before gently scrubbing her hand.  Nothing happened as i scrubbed but her hand turning red. I frown a little because I didn't like the fact that she has it on her hand and I can't get it off. After a while I just sit on the chair that is in the room and look throw her bag again.

     After a few minutes of looking I find something that I had missed taking out of her bag earlier. It was a odd looking book so I open it to see beautiful hand writing in it. I start to read and after a few pages I realize that what I was holding was Selene's diary. I flip throw the pages until I see my name as well as the young masters. "Today Sammy and I had a fight over who was cuter Sebastian or Ciel. Sammy said it was Ciel but he is cute in the he's a little boy/ brother kind of cute. I said Sebastian was cuter because I have a huge crush on him. If Sebastian was real then I would ask him out and die a happy woman. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday so I will go get my tattoo of Sebastian's seal because it is the coolest thing I have ever seen." I was shocked to read this. What woman in their right mind would fight over what men look better. I will never understand humans but human women even less. Perhaps Ciel would understand what this girl was thinking better then I?  I put the book back where I found it and tomorrow when she wasn't in here I would get it and take it to my master to read. Selene moves a little on the bed and I could see she was still in the undergarments from earlier. This girl interested me only because she finds me attractive so perhaps keeping an eye on her for a few days wouldn't be such a bad thing. I get up and leave her room heading to my room to make her a dress to wear tomorrow or I would go get one from Mey-Rin's room.

Selene's pov.

     I get up early the next  morning thinking everything from last night was a dream and I would wake up for the last day of con with a funny story to tell. I could feel the sun on my face and didn't think much of it until Sebastian came into my view. I then sit up and look around the room with wide eyes. "Is this real?" I ask in a small voice. I wasn't known for being easily scared but when the person you have had a crush on for the last few years when things are scary. Sebastian gives me his closed eyed smile and I nearly faint. "This is very real Selene." Sebastian says before he holds out his hand to me. I take it and get out of bed before realizing that I was still in the kind of see throw undergarments from last night. Sebastian leads me over to where they was a beautiful dress that was black with a little red in it. "Sebastian did you make this for me?" I ask  as I gently run my finger over the front of it. "I did make it. I didn't think that Mey-Rin's dresses would look good on you. Would you like me to help you put it on?" Sebastian asks as he holds up the dreaded corset. I nod a little and let him put the corset on then help me put on the dress.

     After I was dressed I follow Sebastian to where Ciel was sitting eating his breakfast. I sit by him and he gives me a smile."That looks nice on you." Ciel says before he looks at Sebastian. I had a feeling that Ciel asked Sebastian to keep a eye on me to see if they could trust me. I sigh a little and  look at the plate that was put in front of me by Sebastian. "The tea is Earl Gray." Ciel says as he picks up his tea cup. I nod a little before I pick up my tea cup. I was used to drinking my tea without anything to sweeten it but this needed a little something. I put my cup down and sigh again. "Is there something wrong with the tea Selene?" Ciel asks when he looks over at me again. I didn't dare move or say anything because I knew how intently Sebastian was watching me. "It needs a little honey in it." I say slowly before looking at Sebastian who looks amused by what I said.

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