Chapter 23

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Sebastian's pov.

          i made sure the young master got onto a boat alright before heading into London to see what was happening. i had been a little worried about Selene this whole time but the young master losing his will to come throw on our contract had thrown my worries out the window. now that i see the streets on fire the worry and fear of losing Selene was becoming greater but i keep myself together knowing that both Selene and the young master needed my strength more then my fears at the moment. i had a feeling that Selene had taken care of the young master in her own way because i could have sworn i had seen Undertaker on the same boat as the young master. i hold back the little chuckle that i wanted to give at the thought of what kind of joke Selene had to tell for this favor from Undertaker.

Ciel's pov.

        as i eat Undertaker was talking about getting roped into helping the other grim reapers in London because they had to collect a large amount of souls tonight. "your kitten asked me to give you that when i saw you. i didn't really understand why and she never told me not to tell you." Undertaker says before shrugging his shoulders. "my kitten?" i ask a little confused. Undertaker nods before giving me a creepy smile. "yes your kitten the girl with long black hair and eyes like Sebastian's.she offered to make me something good to eat if i helped you out which i wouldn't turn that down." Undertaker says before looking around the boat like he wanted to say or do something else. 'Selene asked him to give me food and offed him something to get him to do it. how did she even know that i would need food or that Undertaker would find me?' i think before remembering that she knew all about our lives and i shake my head a little as Undertaker starts talking again about what was going on.

Selene's pov.

         i was running behind the others as we chase after Pluto as the city burned around us. i see a flash of white and stop running worried that Angela or Ash would be sweeping down to take me somewhere. i was about to start running again when i was grabbed ruffly and being dragged away from the others. "the Queen wishes to see you." Ash says and i struggle a little to get away from him. "let me go you psychopath!" i scream as i struggle against him a little. he laughs but tightens his grip and starts to move faster. i was fighting the whole time he was taking me away and then there was pain in the back of my head. the world around me blurs but i didn't get knocked up. i feel myself being lifted up and then the sensation of being in the air which makes me give a small scream. "silly girl the Queen only wants to talk with you for a little while just until Earl Phantomhive some for you." Ash says as he runs a finger throw my hair which i wanted to slap away and yell at him for doing something that only Sebastian and Ciel were allowed to do. i struggle against him a little then feel myself starting to fall making me scream again knowing i was going to die if i hit the ground at this height.

         "stupid girl you could have died." Ash snaps as he catches me and holds me tighter to him so i couldn't get out of his hold again. "why are you doing this?" i ask as we keep traveling. he chuckles a little before pulling me up more and turning me so i could look him in the eyes. "because i want the Earl to have some motivation to come to the Queen." Ash says before dipping his head so his face was closer to mine and his lips are pushed ruffly on mine. i hit at him as hard as i could and as soon as he pulls away form the kiss i bite his arm causing him to give a grunt of pan. we are soon at the palace and Ash leads me to the Queens room making sure everyone sees me as we go probably so that when Ciel get's shot i don't get hurt as well. he trows me into the room and i hit the wall a little harder then i think he means to. i gasp in pain and see the Queen looking at me with worry and anger. i didn't really understand why she would look at me like that. "Ash ask her the questions i need answers to." the Queen says when she looks over at Ash who gives a small bow before walking slowly over to me and picks me up again. i was then forced into a chair by her bed and Ash was standing over me trying to be frightening.

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