Chapter 7

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Selene's pov.

        I was lead down to eat and as i eat Ciel sits there watching me. it was a little unnerving and i stopped half way throw. "Is it not to your liking?" Ciel ask as leans in closer to me. i sigh and shake my head no before taking a sip of my tea. "It's fine Ciel but i'm a little uncomfortable with you watching me eat." i say. Ciel lets out the breath he had been holding and leans back nodding his head. "I'm going to my study. Sebastian when Selene is done bring her up to my study." Ciel says. Sebastian bows and we watch him walk away. once we are alone i go back to eating but stop when i feel Sebastian's hands on my shoulders. "We have to talk about why you fainted last night." Sebastian says in a slow tone.

      i sigh and turn a little to look at him. "About what Sebastian? About how i'm madly in love with you and that everything you do makes me want to faint or is it the fact that your slowly falling in love with me and are afraid of it because i'm not a demon?" i ask as i look into his eyes. Sebastian chuckles a little before patting my head. "Finish eating quickly the young master will not like us keeping him waiting for to long." Sebastian says as he smiles at me before turning me back to look at the table. i finish eating and then follow Sebastian up to Ciel's study. he had papers all over his desk and looked upset. "Ciel everything you will find out who did this and that is that." i say. Ciel looks up at me and gives me a half hearted smile. "If you told me who i was looking for this would be easier." Ciel says as he walks over to me. i shake my head no and watch him as he sits on my lap with papers in hand. "I'm close to finding him i know it." Ciel says. he seems to have relaxed a little as he sits in my lap looking over the papers.

      I look over at Sebastian and see his eyes flash with the change of colors a few times before they remain his beautiful crimson color. i move a little because Ciel is a little heavy and my legs were starting to fall asleep. "Selene everything all right?" Ciel says not bothering to stop what he was doing or to get off of me. "Ciel your starting to hurt me." i whimper as i lose feeling in my left leg. Ciel gets up before pacing and after a few minutes of that sighs before dropping down into his chair. As Ciel and Sebastian talk to eachother i slip off my heels and leave them to talk. if i was lucky they wouldn't force me to go out with them to look out for Jack the Ripper. i was left to wonder the house for a hour before Ciel and Sebastian find me. they both looked mad about something but i didn't know what.

      "Selene you shouldn't wonder off like that. we were worried that someone might have taken you." Ciel says as he looks around behind me. i give them a smile which they didn't return and i shrink back from the look Sebastian was giving me. "A lady should always weir her heels. Selene put your shoes back on." Sebastian says. i grudgingly do before i am pulled back to Ciel's office. i then have to listen to both of them lecturer me on the dangers of going off on my own and not acting lady like that will get me in to more trouble that they would have to deal with the consciences. i didn't enjoy being treated like i was younger then Ciel when i was 18 years old.  i was upset by them so i stormed out of the room and locked myself in my bedroom. i sit on the bed after taking off those bloody heels and looking out the window trying to calm myself down so i could talk calmly with them. after about 10 minutes there was a knock on the door and someone rattles the door handle. i look over at the door then turn back to the window.

        the knocking stopped but that was when Ciel yelling at me to open the door started and i knew at some point (that being soon) he would send Sebastian to try getting me out throw the window or so other means. i had left my heels by the bed so i could throw them at whoever crossed me and as i had predicted there was a tap on the window. i look over to see Sebastian who was tapping on the window so i got up and walked over to it. he smiled like he had won something but  i close the drapes so that he couldn't see me before walking over to the cabinet that was in the room and sitting in it before closing the doors. soon there was a crash of a door being broken down then the sound of stomping feet. "Where did she go Sebastian?" Ciel asked in a panicked tone. i was shocked to hear how panicked he was over not being able to find me seeing as how i had only been staying with him for 2 weeks.

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