Chapter 14

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Selene's pov.

       it had been about a week since Ciel's birthday and he hadn't had a case since then. I was sitting in the game room looking out the window watching the snow slowly melt. it had been nice well it lasted. i sigh as i sit up a little straighter. i was weiring one of the winter dresses that Sebastian had made me. it was dark blue with some little baby blue roses on it and i loved it. there was a knock on the kitchen door way and i didn't think to much of it as Sebastian opened it before dealing with whoever it was. i knew it was Ash and i shiver a little not wanting to think about him at all. Ashe and Angela creepies me out a whole lot but i guess this means that Ciel had a new mission. i was so caught up in my thought that when i notice Ashe standing there looking at me i jump a little. he really was a creepy man and i look away from him as quickly as i could. there was no way in hell i would willingly talk to that man. i take a quick look out the window to see him still standing there looking me up and down with a hungy look in his eyes and i shiver a little not liking it because it was just gross when it wasn't Sebastian doing it. i stand before running out of the room because i could still feel his eyes on me as i leave the room. i run past Ciel's study as Sebastian was walking to it and run right into him.

       i would have fallen over if Sebastian hadn't wrapped an arm around me and stopping my fall. "My lady is something wrong?" Sebastian ask as he helps me get steady on my feet. "it was" i stutter because i was afraid of Ashe. i look around the room not wanting to be near a window now and i didn't want to be alone on the ground floor. as if sensing my fear Sebastian pulls me into Ciel's study and places the letter on his desk. Ciel looks up at me then Sebastian before looking at the letter. "Sebastian will you let me go now?" i ask my voice full of fear. Ciel's eyes snap back to me after hearing me talk and he puts the letter down before standing then walking over to me. "Selene what is wrong?" Ciel asks as Sebastian leads me over to a chair. i wouldn't sit in it because of how close to the window it was and despite us being on the second floor i was still afraid to sit in it. "Please let me go." i beg as tears start to form in my eyes. they look at each other before nodding their heads. i walk quickly out of the room and up to mine where i close and lock the windows before drawing the curtains. i was now in the dark and wasn't afraid of that. i feel my way over to my bed before sitting on it and crying a little.

Sebastian's pov.

      The young master and i stand where Selene had left us. she had practically run from us when we were trying to help her. what had scared her so badly that she wouldn't tell me or the young master what it was. i watch the young master read over the letter before he looks up at me. "What is wrong with Selene?" he asks. he looked worried and i wasn't sure if it was over his new case or what was wrong with Selene. "I do not really know young master. she was running down the halls and ran into me before i brought her in here with us. i can go up and try talking with her about it if you wish young master." i say. he nods his head slowly and i give him a bow before leaving the room to go up to Selene's. once i was there i knock on the door but there was no answer. i sigh before tying to open it and find the door unlocked. i walk in and look around. her room was dark because there were no lights on and the curtains had been pulled. i walk in and close the door behind me before walking over to the bed where Selene was sitting crying. i walk over to her and gently pick her up before sitting and putting her in my lap. "Selene tell me what is wrong?" i ask as i gently run my hand up and down on her back.

     She keeps crying and after a few more sniffs she stops before looking up at me. i was betting she could see my eyes because they weren't crimson like they normally would be. i was worried about her and i looked her right in the eyes. "Sebastian i'm scared." she whispers in a shaky voice. it was killing me to hear her sound so scared because she never had before now. "whatever it was it can't hurt you as long as your around me." i say before kissing up and down her tear stained face. she relaxes a little in my lap and i smile into the kisses i was giving her.  "Would you like to help the young master with his case he just got?" i ask once she had calmed down. "i guess i wouldn't mind helping him." she says. i pick her up and carry her over to the bathroom before setting her down on the floor in front of the mirror.  i turn on the light and hear a gasp behind me which makes me turn to look at her. Selene leans closer to the mirror and her hand gently touches her face. i sigh before quickly cleaning her face then pulling her out of the room.

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