Chapter 8

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Sebastian's pov.

      Selene had made it throw the night just fine and i felt better knowing that she would live throw this. she was still asleep when i had to go take care of the young master so i leave her to get him ready for the day. he was in a fowl mood considering that his aunt had tried to kill him not that long ago and she was now dead. "Sebastian how is Selene doing?" the young master asks once he was all dressed, he had a worried look on his face. i sigh and shake my head. "She is still alive but pale. i don't think she should be moved for a few days.' i say. the young master leads me out of his room to Selene's. "Stay here i want to see how she is doing myself then we will be going back to work." the young master says with the same worried look. "yes my lord." i say before bowing and watch him walk into Selene's room. hopefully him seeing her in better health will make him less worried so that when he goes to Madame Red's funeral he will be in his right mind.

Ciel's pov.

       i had been worried about Selene since i found out she had been stabbed to save me. i could see that everyday Selene was with us the more Sebastian started to have feelings for her and the more i trusted her with my life. now that she had saved me i felt like i needed to pay her back in some way. Selene was still asleep and her hair was like a halo with the way it was spilled on her pillow. i walk over to her before placing a hand on her arm. she didn't move at all as my cold ring touched her. she was pale just like Sebastian had said which makes his mark on her hand stand out more then it ever had. i knew i had to go to the funeral soon but i did not want to leave her here alone. i sigh before gently touching her face then turning to leave.

        "Your rings are colder then you thought." Selene says. i turn to look back down at her and she had a small well faint smile on her face. she looked tired like she could use more sleep and there were bags under her eyes which looked like bruises. "I did not think they would be a problem for  you seeing as how you were asleep." i say as i take her hand in mine. she gives a airy laugh but shakes her head. "don't worry about me right now Ciel. go do what you must and i will be just fine on my own." she says.  i sigh and shake my head a little not knowing how to answer her or tell her thank you or any of the other things that were running throw my head at that moment. "Sebastian and i will be back soon. please just stay here and rest." i say before standing to go. "Ciel can i see Sebastian before you leave? i want to thank him for helping me last night." Selene says. i nod my head not wanting to disappoint her so once i left her room i tell Sebastian to go see her.

Selene's pov.

         Ciel had been gone for a few minutes and soon Sebastian was in my room walking over to my bed. he was looking me over probably to see if i was in any pain or had hurt myself more in my sleep. once he seemed to be satisfied with his observations he walks over to the chair by my bed and sits in it. "Sebastian thank you for saving me." i say before giving him a smile. he smiles back at me before taking my hand. "Selene why didn't you say you were hurt?" Sebastian asks frowning. i frown seeing his frown and could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. i shake my head and look at my hands that were laying in my lap. Sebastian sighs and i soon feel his hands on mine. he had taken off his gloves and was touching me with his hands. he never touched anyone unless his gloves were on Ciel being the exception to the rule. i look up to see his face that was calm but his crimson eyes held worry in them. "I didn't want you both to worry to much about me. Ciel needed you more than i did and i knew i would be saved in the end." i say as i raised one of my hands and put it on his face.

        He leans into my touch and a small smile forms on his lips. "Your welcome. but next time you get hurt please tell me so i can take care of you in a more timely manner." Sebastian asks. i nod my head which makes him smile more. "I have to go take the young master out. we will be back soon but until then stay here in bed. i can't lose you because you decided to get up and walk about." Sebastian says before he kisses my forehead. i blush a little and when he pulls away from me she chuckles seeing my blush. "Selene you look cute when you blush. now get some more sleep so your better and can be moved." Sebastian says as he stands. i didn't want him to go but watch as he walks away.

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