Bonus Chapter 1

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Angela's pov.

that girl was odd, she was different i just couldn't tell how. the first night they were here i keep an eye on that girl who stays close to the butler and she was oddly quiet. i did not understand why Earl Phantomhive would have her around at all. the next morning the smell of blood draws me up to one of the rooms and i find all the bedding missing and hidden. the smell of blood drove Ash crazy as well as myself and i wanted to know who the blood belong to.  i clean the sheets before heading back to the room to put them on only to see that odd girl alone. she offers to help me and i catch the scent of blood coming from her. so she was the one how was drawing me to. as we work she was oddly quiet and later when things got hectic she wasn't around. once i was alone with Pluto i pat the top of his head a few times. "Pluto i want you to keep an eye on that girl for me the one who smells so good." i say as i pet him a few times and he whimpers. i could tell that this girl wasn't from here now that i got a good look at her and the way she would look at me made me think she knew something that the others didn't. perhaps it was best to keep an eye on her in case something slips past her lips.

it's been months since my last encounter with the girl but i knew that she was living in the Phantomhive manor. i was the one pulling the strings of the puppet kidnapping all the girls lately in hopes that i would draw out the odd girl working with the Earl. when the Earl finds my puppet i scowl a little but found the perfect opportunity to get what i wanted. i sent a puppet into the manor and quickly found the girl's room but the odd thing was that the butler was asleep in the bed next to her. the moment my puppet caught fire i was enraged. how dare a man touch what i an angel want? i will have that girl for myself one way or the other even if i have to kill to get her. Ash teased me about my rage because i was a woman who wanted another woman but he understands how i feel because he wanted her just as much as i did. 'perhaps i can get her faster than you could Angela.' Ash says in my head and i scowl a little at the thought. true my other half may be able to get this girl easier than i.

Ash's pov.

i was delivering a letter to the little Earl and secretly hoped that i would see the girl working for the Earl. ever since i had got a smell of her blood i wanted to have her with me. i didn't see her until i was leaving and see her looking out a window so i just stand there and stare at her. i knew i must have a hungry look in my eyes as i look as i look her over and soon she runs away almost like the fires of hell had set her dress on fire. i frown a little as i wait for her to show up again before leaving to fulfill my duty's as the Queens butler but i didn't mind much when the thought of possibly seeing that girl at the curry competition in a few weeks time. my thought was a reality when the Queen told me that Funtom had entered the contest so all i had to do was wait a week to see her.

at the competition as each person worked i looked around until my eyes land on the girl trying to hide and she runs from the room not long after the Queen ans i had shown up. during the attack that i had caused as Angela i see her pulled away by someone and i see the worry she had as she looked over that butler who i was beginning to hate deeply. once the fight was over and the winner declared i catch a glimpse of the girl who was watching us from afar. i could see the fear in her eyes every time she looks at me which excites me a lot. i wanted to get closer to her but i couldn't find a way to just yet. Angela taunted me like i had her but i knew i had a better chance to get her.

the next time i see the girl was to deliver a letter from the Queen about the cult that Angela had set up and that the Earl had to look into. she freezes when she sees me but hides her fear well. the one thing that she didn't hide well was the ring now on her finger which sparked a small rage in me but a thought pops into my head. Angela and i could get her on this case, all we had to do was grab her when she was alone in the church because i knew that the Earl wasn't going to leave her alone here. when i got to my room in the palace i change quickly to Angela and head to the church. i even tell her my plan as we travel.

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