Chapter 15

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Selene's pov.

       it felt like forever for them to come back and even then Sebastian didn't some right up to check on me like i thought he might. i lay down before giving a small sigh and closing my eyes. if Sebastian was going to come in here then he would and he would see me shivering under the light blankets and flimsy cloths. i hear a crash and then the stomping of feet. it scars me a little and i jump out of the bed before rushing over to the door. i look down at myself then shake my head before changing into my night gown then run to where my room had been. i could hear Sebastian threatening Soma which was kind of hot. if Sebastian knew that Soma had grabbed my hand. Ciel then stops Sebastian and i walk slowly back shocked that Sebastian and Ciel hadn't noticed me standing out here in the dark hall way in nothing but a night gown that as they would say is un-lady like to be seen in.

        i walk quickly back to Sebastian's room and lay there.  i soon hear the door open and roll over to look at Sebastian who's eyes flash quickly as he looks me over. "The young master wishes for you to join us." Sebastian says as he holds up a dress for me. i sigh as i get out of the bed and walk over to him before he pulls the dress over me. as we walk Sebastian holds my hand. "Don't leave my room looking like that again. i don't want that bratty prince to see you like that." Sebastian says before giving me a sly smile. "your the one who left me alone with the others and when i fall asleep only to be woken up by the sound of smashing china and the storming of feet do you expect me to stay in bed?" i ask before giving him  a smile of my own. his sighs as he shakes his head. i stop walking which he doesn't notice until my hand slips from his. he looks back at me then walks over. "Sebastian, it was kind of hot to hear you tell Soma off like that." i mumble before a blush spreads on my face. he chuckles  before leaning in closer to me. i could feel his warm breath fanning my face now. "really? then i suppose i should try it when we are alone some time." he whispers before pulling away.

      we walk quickly to where Ciel and the others were waiting and Ciel gives me a half hearted smile. they then start to talk about West and the royal warrant. Ciel then start to talk about making his own curry for the competition. "Ciel i want to help Sebastian if that is alright. i know how to make it so that should help a little right." i say before giving a smile at him. Soma then tells Ciel he doesn't know real curie and i scowl at him. i stand then storm out of the room mad that he would insult me as well as Sebastian."Selene thank you for offering to help me." Sebastian says as we start working in the kitchen. i giggle a little then slap his hand before he putts something wrong in. "You have to smell the defiant herbs and spices you will put in before  putting it in. really Sebastian are you listening to what i am saying at all?" i say as i turn away from him with a small scowl on my face. there was only a week to teach Sebastian and so far it wasn't going to well. he sighs behind me because this wasn't the first time i had snapped at him as i tried to teach him. seeing as how he was a demon he didn't really know what should be together or who it should taste. i wipe my hands on my dress before turning to look at him a mad look on my face. he looked amused by my reaction and i wasn't going to stand here and let him get to me over it. "i give up. you don't listen to anyone but Ciel. perhaps i would have better luck teaching Bard how to make a proper curry then you." i yell before i storm out of the room.

      i was half way to his room when i felt the danger and i was soon pressed against the wall. Sebastian's eyes were dangers and hungry looking. "My lady you should not get so upset it was just a little fun." Sebastian says as he lowers his head to my neck. i could feel his lips placing kisses that made me want to tell him it was alright but my anger was to great and i kicked at him the best i could. "Don't think honeyed words and a few touches can save you from my anger Sebastian." i hiss as he bites me playfully. he puts me down and takes a few steps away from me. Ciel and the prince soon walk past us and i take that time to run away tears falling as i go and i knew that one of them had hit Ciel because i could hear two people coming after me. i made it to the room in time to lock the door and cry my heart out listening to Ciel yell on the other side of the door as he pounds on it demanding i open up.

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