Chapter 5

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Selene's pov.

      Ciel and Sebastian said i was no longer hurt about 3 days after the kidnapping incident. Sebastian and Ciel had gone into town to do some shopping so i was in my dress out in the garden watching the others run around. Ciel had wanted to order Bard to stay away from me but i told him that it wasn't necessary for him to do that. i was introduced to Grell and i turned a cold shoulder to him. "Selene why don't you like Grell?" Finny asks when he sits by me. i look over at him then over at the others. i frown because i'm not sure how to tell him that i don't like that "man" because he is (in my eyes) a rival for love. "He just rubs me the wrong way. there is something about him that makes me not like him." i say. i knew he was making skulls and i was never sure if he did it on purpose or not. i think it was a convent foreshadowing tool to show that he was different for normal people.

     Finny stands before turning to look at me. "Come help me with some things in the garden?" Finny asks as he holds out his hand to me. i give him a smile because i really couldn't say no to the clumsy gardener. i place my hand in his and he gently pulls me up and we walk over to the others. Grell starts to ask questions and Tanaka(the real one) shows up and explains everything. i knew Lizzy would be showing up soon so i took the time to slip away when the others were busy dealing with Grell's suicide attempt. i didn't want to be dragged into the ball Lizzy was going to hold so i keep out of the house and walk around the rose garden. i feel hands on my shoulders and turn to see Sebastian with one of his smiles. "Finny said you were out here in the garden and you refused to come in. why is that?" Sebastian asks as he lets me go. i sigh and look over at a big white rose bush. "I don't want to be dragged into the silly ball she will be holding or dressed up in one of her cute dresses and i don't know how to dance the way it's done here so i decided to stay in the garden until she was gone." i say as i shrug my shoulders.

      I turn away from Sebastian and walk over to the entrance of the maze. "Don't go in there without me or the young master. please some inside you can play some music instead of dancing like the others." Sebastian says. i nod my head and follow Sebastian into the manor. Lizy was smiling and once she sees me she stops what she is doing. "Ciel who is this?" Lizy asks as she points at me. Ciel looks a little unhappy and sighs before looking at me. "Elizabeth this is Selene she is staying with me for a while. i was thinking of asking her to help me in some of my work." Ciel says. Lizy frowns but doesn't make a scene about it. "Lady Elizabeth it's very nice to meet you." i say before Sebastian grabs my elbow and pulls me from the room. he pulls me to the kitchen and lets me go. "Lady Elizabeth doesn't seem to like me. is she afraid i would take Ciel away from her?" i ask as i watch Sebastian work on some sweets. it was amazing watching him cook because i knew he wasn't holding back his speed.

        "That might be why she dislikes you. i heard from Bard and Finny that you dislike Grell. why is that?" Sebastian asks when he looks over at me. i take a deep breath and look at the ground. "something about him is wrong and it makes me feel........" i say letting my sentence fall because i didn't know how to not tell him about Grell. as if reading my mind Grell walks into the room and gives me a hateful look before going over to Sebastian to ask him about different things. i sigh and leave them alone because i knew if i didn't i would attack the grim reaper that was hitting on my demon. wow i was becoming way to possessive of Sebastian and he didn't even know the depths of my feelings for him. i walk up to my room and grab out my diary before flipping to the end of my writhing. i start writing about all that had happened and how i was willing to try killing Grell for getting in my way of being with Sebastian. i was getting to obsessed and needed to get away from all of this. it was time for me to leave for a while and go out into the world to meet new people like my favorite grim reaper Undertaker.

     I was left alone for a while and Sebastian comes into my room. "Selene i brought you something to weir well playing." Sebastian says before holding out a dress that was a dark red almost rubie colored. i walk over to it and take it from him. "Did you make this Sebastian?" i ask as i hold it against my body. "No but i can make a dress in the same style if its what you like." Sebastian says. i turn to look at him before hanging the dress up. i walk over to him before throwing my arms around him and gently kissing his check. "Thank you Sebastian. i've never had something so pretty before." i say as i let him go. Sebastian had a little blush on his face and he was smiling a real smile. "Selene let me help you change your dress then we can go down." Sebastian says. now it was my turn to blush and i give a small nod letting him help me out of my dirty dress into the new one. we walk down and i stand by Finny and Bard as we wait for Ciel to come down. Lady Elizabeth was going on about how cute everyone looked until she stopped in fount of me. "Your dress is not cute at all." Elizabeth  yells. i could feel the tears start to form but i was saved by Sebastian and Ciel coming down the stairs. i wouldn't let any of them see me cry so as the drama of Elizabeth braking Ciel's ring is going on i slip out of the room and out to the garden.

       I stay outside until i hear Elizabeth leave with Grell. i had cried for a good hour and knew that my eyes were probably puffy and red. i slip back into the manor and was soon stopped when gloved hands cover my eyes. "Where did you run off to? i left you down here with those three and when the young master and i come back your gone." Sebastian says. i feel the tears start again and he must have felt the wetness of them because he pulls his hands away and turns me around. "Elizabeth said my dress wasn't cute and looked like she was going to take something sharp to it so i left keep from making things hard on Ciel." i say as tears run down my face. Sebastian pulls out his hankie and starts to wipe my face but that didn't stop the tears that were falling.

Sebastian's pov.

      Selene was crying so hard i though she might get sick from it. after her crying for a few minutes i clean all the mess away before letting her lean into me. "The young master wants to see you. after you are done talking i will give you some hot tea that should help. what kind of tea would you like?" i ask after she pulls away from me. she gives me a small half smile and lets me lead her to the young master. "Sebastian make me whatever kind of tea that you would like." Selene whispers before i open the door for her. Selene walks over to the young masters desk and he gets up before walking over to her. "You look lovely in that dress." He says before bowing and holding out his hand. "I don't dance Ciel." Selene says. Ciel frowns a little but doesn't push it. Selene sits in the chair across from his desk and they talk about where she went and why.

      The young master was unhappy to hear about what Lady Elizabeth had said but Selene tried to convince him that getting mad and jealous was normal for women when it came to the man they love. when she said that she made little looks at me and a blush speeds across her face whenever she did look at me. the young master says he is ready for bed and i follow him to his room which means i have to leave Selene alone. after i got the young master settled i went to go look for Selene. i found her in her room already asleep. i sit in the chair that i placed by her bed and watch her sleep. i leave her room early to go prepare  for tomorrow and work on the dresses i wanted to make for Selene. to tell the truth i had some feelings for her and when i had seen her crying over what Lady Elizabeth had said it had hurt me on some leave because i had chosen that dress for Selene.

Selene's pov.

      It gad been almost a week since the hole thing with Elizabeth and i was sitting in the garden in one of the dresses Sebastian had made me (it was dark purple with lavender details).  i loved the dress but i had been avoiding Sebastian the best i could because it was hard to be around him without just telling him everything. Finny pulls me out of my thoughts when he runs over. "Selene Sebastian is looking for you." Finny says when he stops by me. i nod my head and stand to go find someplace to hide. i had stayed away from the maze in the garden because Sebastian had asked me to but today i was feeling the need to rebel against the rules set out for me. so i walk into the maze and after about 20 minutes of walking i got lost. "I should have listened to him." i mumble as i try backtracking to where i thought i had come from. i find a bench to sit on so i stop at it and sit there before slipping off my heels.

     It didn't take long for me to hear footsteps walking in the maze and i started to become afraid. "Selene?" Sebastian yells. i relax a little before yelling back at him. he soon walks over to me with a look of relief on his face. "the young master wanted to talk with you and sent me to find you. what are you doing out here? i thought i told you not to come into the maze alone." Sebastian says once he was standing next to me. i stand with my heels in my hand. Sebastian seeing this picks me up and starts walking back to the manor. "You did tell me not to come in here but i just...... i felt like i needed to brake the rules." i say after we were walking for a few minutes. Sebastian chuckles and the way his chest moves against my body makes me blush. "From now on listen to me when i say not to go somewhere." Sebastian whispers in my ear. i nod my head and was amazed to see Sebastian's smile.

      Sebastian puts me down once we get to the manor. i sit and put my heels back on before following him up to Ciel's study.  Ciel looked upset when i walk in but after seeing me he relaxes a little. "What is wrong Ciel?" i ask as i walk over to him and gently place my hand on his head. "I have a case and might need your help/ I'm going after Jack the Ripper." Ciel says. i freeze in my spot by him. "I'll help the best i can. is that the only reason you called for me?" i ask. i was panicking on the inside as i keep calm on the outside. "Yes we will be leaving tomorrow morning so i need you to be ready to go." Ciel says. i nod before heading up to my room and packing the few things i have that i can weir in this time. Sebastian comes to get me for dinner and as we eat Ciel talks about the best way to catch this murderer. i sigh and by the time i head to bed i felt like my insides were knotted up tighter then any ting i could think of.

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