Chapter 25

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Sebastian's pov.

       it had been several weeks since we had come back from the boat trips to look for the stage and Selene was looking better. she had gained weight back and was now eating normally like she had before we left her. i was in the kitchen making dinner when Selene dances in with her favorite dress on before walking over to me. "Sebastian let's go out and get out picture taken. we didn't have a wedding photo done and i would really love to have one." Selene says once i pull her closer to me. i give a small sigh before shaking my head no not wanting to have this conversation again. since she had gotten better she was back to her cheerful self and asked me almost twice a day for a wedding picture which i saw no point in. she huffs a little before pulling away from me and stomping her foot. "fine then i'll go get one by myself and you will regret saying no to me Sebastian Michaeils." she says before walking out of the room. she had never said my last name before and i stop what i was doing to chase her down finding her not that far from the young master's study.

         i pick her up before returning to the kitchen to keep the food from burring but keep a tight hold on Selene. "stop fighting with me Mrs. Michaeils or your dress will get ruined before we go out for the picture." i say and she stops moving in my arms. i hadn't called her by my last name and judging from her blush she had forgotten it herself. "you'll really get one with me?" she asks in a soft voice and i give a small sigh. "if that is what you really wish my lady then yes i will." i say before kissing the top of her head. i let her go and she stands by me as i finish what i was making. she follows me to get the young master to tell him it was time for dinner and she had a big smile on her face the whole time. "what is she so happy about Sebastian?" the young master asks when he looks up at us when we walk in. "i agreed to go have a photo with her." i say which makes him chuckle a little. "really Sebastian you willingly agreed to take a photo with her? Selene what did you say this time that you hadn't any other time?" the young master asks as he walks over to her taking her hand as we walked down to the dinning room. "i told him he would be sorry then called him by his full name. i was just so mad at him but now he's the best person in the world right now." Selene says before giving me a look that held nothing but love in it. the young master shakes his head a little before giving Selene a smile. "tomorrow then you will go take your photo and i want to watch it." he says which makes Selene smile even more.

Selene's pov.

     i was picking out a dress for today when Ciel walks into our room with Sebastian behind him. "i'm sorry Selene but i got a case that i need you help with so you can't have a photo done today but i will make sure you get one." Ciel says before looking over at Sebastian who was shaking his head a little. i sigh a little then follow them out to the carriage that was waiting so we could go out  on this case.  when we get to the crime scene i stay back by Sebastian as Ciel goes to talk with the police. i look over at my husband only to see him distracted by by some cats. Ciel had that look of shock on his face and i didn't blame him. "say good day to your feline friends." Ciel says as he walks past Sebastian and he gives me a shy look almost like he was embarrassed. i shake my head and walk behind them in silence until we get to the carriage. we end up at Undertakers and i sigh a little because the last time i had seen him was when i had been bleeding to death on his back. as Sebastian tells his joke i didn't really understand it but roll my eyes as Undertaker gives Ciel the body. he gives me a little look as if to see how i was really doing. after going to the funeral and seeing the photographer i knew that i wasn't going to get my photo for a long time so i was quiet on the ride home.

        "is something wrong Selene?" Ciel asks as he takes my hand and i jump a little because i had been deep in thought. "nothing i was just thinking that i might not get my picture at this rate. i guess it was silly to want something like that." i say before looking out the window again. i wasn't going to cry over something like this and shake my head giving up on the thought of having even one picture with Sebastian being imposable at this point. 'i have almost been here a year. i just want one thing to prove that i have been together with Sebastian that long.' i think as i get out of the carriage and walk into the manor without saying a word to the two men who were having a hushed conversation.

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