Chapter 4

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Selene's pov.

         I had been bed ridden for 4 days now and still wasn't allowed to leave my bed. i was mad and now trying my hardest to get out of my room and walk around so that i could do something other than sit in my room. Finny had come to spend time with me at when he wasn't busy with his work and Ciel had banned Bard from coming near me until i could walk again without limping. Today was the day Ciel had guest and i knew all about the rats.Sebastian had told me when he brought me breakfast that i wasn't to leave my room because of the fact that there were guest and i was still "hurt". But  i knew this was the part where Ciel gets kidnapped and Sebastian kills that guy who takes him. judging by the time of day Ciel should be getting kidnapped soon. i sigh as i sit by the window looking out and see a glint of something. what was that? my ankle still hurts a little so i bend down to rub it and see if i could get the pain to go when i hear a crash and feel glass rain down on me. i sit up carefully to keep from getting cut and look out the window but the glint was gone and i was left barefooted surrounded by glass.

      If my ankle wasn't already hurt i would try jumping over the glass onto the bed but there was no way i would be able to do that without hurting myself more. so i stay where i was waiting for someone to come find me in this situation. more than likely i would have to sit here like this until Sebastian comes back because those three would be fighting over if they should eat that stupid pie or not.  as i sit there i carefully pick the glass off myself and look out the window. once it was starting to get dark and i was sitting there shivering cold because the window was around my on the floor. i knew none of them would come look for me and i was hungry, thirsty and really needed to use the bathroom. i could hear Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin yelling and talking to Ciel but i couldn't see then due to the fact that if i stand up glass would cut my feet and i didn't really want that. after a hour more of waiting and still no one i decided i should call for help. "Sebastian? Finny? Ciel? Some one?" i yell.

     i could hear footsteps then Sebastian comes rushing in first soon followed by Ciel. Finny didn't come up probably because Ciel told him not to. "Selene what is wrong?" Ciel asks. the room was dark so he couldn't see the mess around me until Sebastian lit a candle. Sebastian quickly walks over to me and the crunching of glass gets on my nerves. "Will you please help me out of this glass? someone shot throw the window and would have hit it's mark if i hadn't bent down to rub my ankle." i say. Sebastian brushes some glass off of me before picking me up and carrying me over to the bed. once i was put on my bed i jump out of my bed and rush to the bathroom. i was a little embarrassed about the thought that Sebastian or Ciel would hear me but i had been sitting there for a long time and well you know how that song and dance goes. once i was done i walk out to see Sebastian cleaning up the glass and Ciel pacing my room. "Glad to see your back in one piece. i knew they wouldn't come check on me so i would have to wait for you two to come back." i say before sitting on the bed.

     Ciel frowns a little and i sigh before pointing to my bag as if to answer some unasked question he had. "I don't like that you know all about me and what is going on in my life. i don't like the fact that my servants left you alone in that chair unable to move for god knows how many hours. but i mostly don't like the fact that i don't know if i can trust you or not." Ciel says as he stands in front of me. i give him a big smile before gently resting a hand on his shoulder. "Ciel you can trust me with your life because i would do anything to save you. i only know about your life because of a manga and anime that i love and i know that Finny, Bard and Mey-Rin didn't come to get me because they were trying to figure out if Sebastian wanted them to eat the pie or not." i say. Sebastian was behind me in a second. "How did you know about that?" Sebastian asks. i laugh a little before getting my bag. i pull out my computer and turn it on. after it was one i plug in the hard drive and open up the second episode of black butler. they watch in amazement until it was over and i didn't let them see the preview for the next episode.

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