Chapter 16

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Selene's pov.

     Soma and Agni were now gone and we had gone back to the manor. it was nice to be back in my room and i couldn't say i was sorry to be alone. Ciel hadn't gotten a new case yet but i knew it was only a matter of time before he did and i wasn't sure if he would let me go with him or not. i was getting things together to take a bath and was humming a little as i did so. i had just walked into the bathroom and started the bath when i thought i heard footsteps but shake my head. "my mind is playing ticks on me again." i say before looking at the warm water which was taking forever to fill the tub. soon it was filled and i slip out of my dress before getting in. i let a little sigh leave my lips as the warm water licks at my skin. i close my eyes enjoying my bath then there was the sound of a door creaking open and i tilt my head a little trying to figure out where it was coming from.

      i open my eyes when i feel hands on my head and look right into Sebastian's eyes. i pull my legs up and try to cover myself the best i can. "Sebastian get out." i say in a shaky voice. he chuckles before turning around. "the young master got a new case and wants you to come with him. you needed to get ready to go talk with him." Sebastian says. i blush a little before sighing. "i will be down in a while. please tell Ciel that. you can go now and thank you for telling me." i say. Sebastian turns a little to look at me his fusha eyes glinting in the light and i gasp a little shocked to see them. "don't take to long my lady. the young master is in a bit of a rush." Sebastian says before he leaves me. i shiver in the warm water not enjoying my bath anymore then i was when it started. i spend a few more minutes in the bath before getting out, drying off and changing into a clean dress. i walk quickly down to Ciel's study my heels in my hand before i start to run. i slip on the floor because my feet were still a little wet but i was luck that Sebastian was the thing i run into and as i fell back he wraps his arms around my waist keeping me in place.

     "Selene do i need to make a rule about you running in the manor? you keep running into me. not that i am complaining about it." Sebastian says with his face close to mine. "no, my feet are still a little wet from my bath and i didn't want to run in my heel because i knew i would hurt myself." i say blushing a little. he helps me stand up straight before leading me into Ciel's study. "young master i brought Selene like you asked." Sebastian says before pushing me closer to Ciel's desk which makes me drop my heels and i trip forward. once i regain my balance i turn to glare a little at Sebastian who was giving me an amused smile. Ciel sighs as he looks up at me then at my heels that were on the floor. "Selene is there a reason why your heels aren't on your feet?" Ciel asks as he motions to Sebastian to pick them up. Sebastian sighs from behind me before walking over to them and picking them up. "Sebastian said to come down as quick as i could and i knew i would hurt myself if i ran in them." i say before letting a little pout form on my face which makes Ciel shake his head in defeat and Sebastian frown a little.

      i sit in the chair by Ciel's desk and Sebastian slips my heels on, and they were the kind with straps so he makes them to tight on my feet. i would get back at him for that. Ciel shakes his head again before telling me where we were going and what the problem is. "Ohhh this shouldn't be to hard to deal with." i say as i stand to go pack my bag. "Is that so? then i suppose i don't really need your help." Ciel says a smile on his face  and i roll my eyes at him. "don't take me with you if that is what you wish but i might not go and help you with the next one." i say before walking to my room. i would pack my bag just in case he wanted to take me. i was telling him the truth i might not go with him on his next case because i didn't know if i could hear or see Sebastian with that woman. i was crying now and if Sebastian or Ciel was to come in and see this then they would ask about it and there was no way i could tell them the truth. i wipe the tears away before packing my things.

Sebastian's pov.

        Once Selene was gone i stand there waiting for the young master to tell me if i should get her or not. "Sebastian do you think i should take her with me?" he asks after a few minutes of silence. "i believe it would be a good idea." i say  before taking a few steps closer to him. "your right. she will come with me. is there something else you wanted to say Sebastian?" the young master ask as he looks up at me. i nod my head and take a deep breath. "i was thinking of asking Selene to marry me. what would your feeling towards that be?" i ask. he stops what he is doing to look at me. "Marry you? can demons even get married?" he ask as he stand up. the shocked look on his face was priceless and i was enjoying his confusion but this was a serious matter. "of course we can young master. this isn't going to get in the way of our agreement so if you don't mind i will go get your things ready to go and get Selene." i say before bowing.

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