Chapter 20

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(AN: i dedicated the last chapter to Sebby3 because of the encouraging comments left on chapters before. thank you very much for inspiring me to keep going when i felt like i was doing a bad job on this story. i'm sorry it took so long to update this as well i had finals then some problems at school i had to deal with but that is all cleared up so i have time to finish this book. time to go on with the story!)

Selene's pov.

        I was put in the same room as Ciel who was pacing a little and i didn't blame him. i was sitting on the bed that was in the room my hands in my lap tightly griping the fabric of my dress but it wasn't tight enough to rip it. i was worried about Sebastian and the mental state that Ciel might be in. Ciel finally turns to look at me and walks over before sitting and pulling me closer to him. "Sebastian will be fine." Ciel says in a soft converting voice which i just nod a little. "i guess your right." i say in a soft voice. i didn't want to worry him because i knew what was going on. i gently pat his arm before pointing at the chair that was at the table. "try to get some work done Ciel. i'm fine and i don't want you to worry to much about me when you have to figure this whole thing out." i say before giving him a gently push. he chuckles a little before nodding his head and doing as i ask.

         i watch him as he works knowing that far away look because he was thinking about this whole mess. i was on my feet when Ciel stands because of that inspector giving him tea knowing that he was thinking of Sebastian which brakes my heart. i sit back down knowing there was no threat to Ciel and i could worry over other things like how much my head hurt from all the noise and bright light. "Miss would you like some tea as well?"the inspector asks and Ciel looks over at me. "Selene you should have some tea it will help calm your nerves a little." Ciel says in a strong voice as if i was a mess that he had to take care of. the inspector holds out the cup and saucer which  take before giving a small smile. "thank you." i say in a soft voice that makes the inspector blush a little before he looks at Ciel again. the inspector sits next to me which makes Ciel narrow his eyes at him before making a small hand gesture at me. i sigh a little as i stand and walk over to him setting my tea sup by him before walking over to the window not really listening to what they were talking about. i clench my fist at the thought of Lau betraying Ciel and i was mad that Sebastian was being hurt by that ugly little man as well as Angela or as i liked to call her the crazy angel. there was a pause in the conversation behind me but i didn't turn around to see what was going on because i was afraid that my eyes wouldn't look right.

      there was soon a ahnd pulling on mine and i turn a little to see Ciel. "we are alone agian. Selene you look paler then last night. please try to get some sleep it will make me feel a little better and give me one less thing to worry about." Ciel says. i sigh a little before walking back over to the bed looking at Sebastian's coat that was hanging next to Ciel's. "i'll try ti sleep but i'm not gong to promise that i will." i say before laying on the bed. the bed dips as Ciel sits next to me and i can feel his fingers in my hair which makes me relax a little before i drift into a ligh sleep.

Ciel's pov.

       Selene had this far away look like she was thinking of something else and i could see out of the corner of my eye that her hands were balled into fist as i was talking. Aberline had left a few minutes after this had happened and  once he was gone i walk over to Selene. she had stayed up last night as i slept probably worrying over Sebastian which i don't blame her for that.  i was a little surprised when i had convinced her to sleep some and sit by her running my fingers throw her hair to reassure myself that she was really there with me but i think it helped her relax enough to fall asleep. i was a little afraid to move now that she was asleep because it might wake her up so i stay next to her on the bed as i think about what had happened and who would set me up like this.

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