Chapter 27

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Selene's pov.

        i was feeling much better now and went with Sebastian to see Soma and Agni to tell them about Ciel's memory loss. needles to say he was in shock and just about lost it when we told him. we headed back home after Sebastian explained thing to then and he holds me close to him. ever sense we found out about the baby a few weeks ago he hasn't let me out of his sight and was being overprotective. Sebastian had created a costume for me so that no one would know who i was but him. i was allowed to walk in the front door with Ciel because of the fact that i was playing hand maiden tonight meaning i was helping Ciel change into his costume. before we got out of the carriage Sebastian and Ciel both looked at me. "Stay close to us tonight. i don't need Sebastian looking all over for you sick with worry." Ciel says. "i will Ciel and i'll stay close to Lizzy as well so no need to worry the both of you." i say before giving them a big smile. before Sebastian can knock on the door Claude opens the door welcoming us.

        i jump when i see the spider over the door and grab onto Sebastian's arm tightly. "it's alright. that thing is up there and your safe here." Sebastian says in a calming tone as Claude watches me with an amused smile on his face before explaining that spiders are om the coat of arms for the Trancy family so they don't kill them.Ciel falls back into Sebastian and we head up the drawing room. Ciel looks over at me a little worried because he knew that too much stress on the baby could hurt it so he took my arm as we walked. he lets me go before we walk into the drawing room and Sebastian pulls me back a little as Lizzy runs over to hug Ciel. i follow behind him holding onto Sebastian because i knew this place was crawling with spiders but had to push that thought out of my mind as i watched what was going on. it was funny that Ciel remembered me and things i had done with him and Sebastian outside of cases but he didn't remember Soma or Agni or that Madame Red had died. Lau almost gave it away and seeing the look he had i take a half dtep back into Sebastian who holds me in place so i didn't get hurt by Soma. i start to sway a little not being able to handle all the excitement. "Selene?" Ciel asked worry in his voice as he grabs my hands.

Ciel's pov.

      Selene was swaying on her feet a little but Sebastian put his hands on her waist to steady her but i don't think she could feel them so i grab her hands. "Selene?" i ask knowing worry was leaking out in my tone and everyone in the room goes quiet. "i'm fine Ciel just a little dizzy is all." she says a small fake smile on her lips and Sebastian guides her over to a couch which Elizabeth and i sit on next to her. "Ciel is Selene alright?" Elizabeth ask as she looks over her with worry. i was even surprised when Lau and that weird prince had worried looks on their faces as well. "she's fine Lady Elizabeth this happens often now." Sebastian says as he stands behind Selene in case she got sick because when she got dizzy she would some time throw up. Sebastian had said it was part of her morning sickness and would get better or worst as her pregnancy went on. "young master we should head to your room to get you ready for the party." Sebastian says as he helps Selene from her seat and we follow some triplets to my room. i give Sebastian an order to look around the house but keep Selene close to me because i didn't need this Trancy to know of her condition just yet. when we get to my room i grab Selene's hand and pull her over to the bed then pointing at it. "take a nap until it's time to get ready." i say and she gives a small sigh as she sits on the bed.

Selene's pov.

      Ciel wakes me up after my nap and i help him get ready before we wait for Sebastian. he insisted that he change me into my costume and when he dresses me i look a little like a crow which i find funny considering what he was. "you look lovely in that Selene. i don't think even Elizabeth will know who you are." Ciel says as we walk together down to the party. not much later it starts and Lizzy walks over before putting a feather in Ciel's hat. i smile as i see the others costumes and Lizzy finally looks over at me. "Ciel who's that?" she ask as she gets closer to me. "Lizzy you know who i am." i say before giving a chuckle. she smiles brightly at me then grabs my hands. "i was worried about you when you left with Ciel and Sebastian. are you really alright Selene?" Lizzy asks and i nod my head. i look over the three servants and shake my head before standing a little closer to Ciel. "they are going to make a mess." i mumble and Ciel looks up at me. "what did you say?" he asks and i give him a small smile. "nothing Ciel. say would you like to get some fresh air Lizzy can come with us if you like?" i ask because i was feeling to warm in this place. Ciel looks me over before nodding understanding that i was starting to feel sick. before we even started to walk there were crashes all around and we see Bard, Finny and Mey-Rin messing up.

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