Chapter 28

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Ciel's pov.

        it had almost been a week since the ball. Selene was sitting in my study with me talking and she was about 4 months pregnant which showed a little. Sebastian had been a little overbearing when it came to anyone was around Selene meaning i was just about the only that he relaxed around. but Selene acted a little odd around him when he had that rose in his jacket pocket but i didn't give to much thought to it. "Ciel you should relax a little and go out for a walk in the garden." she says before giving me a smile. before i had a chance to say anything Sebastian walks in with  the platter that he delivered letters on. Selene stands up as if to leave and i give her that look. "Selene please stay." i say and she gives a small sigh before sitting back down her hands rubbing her stomach a little which she had been doing for the last week or two whenever she seemed stressed which was often when Sebastian hovering around her.

         i rip up the letter from Alois Trancy and look over at Selene who had a small frown on her face. i didn't understand what was troubling her so much but she shakes her head a little before standing. "where do you think your going?" i ask as i stand as well. "to my room. i'm starting to get a little tired so i was going to take a nap." Selene says before giving us a smile. i nod my head and let her leave before looking at Sebastian. "Sebastian what has been bothering Selene the last few weeks? she hardly stays in the same room as you for more then an hour or two." i say before looking over my butler who had a small frown on his face. "she doesn't like the rose i have so she refuses to stay in the same room as it.  i have to put it out of her sight before she even lets me into our room. don't worry so much about it young master i will talk to her about it." Sebastian says before giving a small bow. we have been doing some research on Alois and his family. when we travel we leave Selene behind only because she said she didn't really want to go and it made Sebastian and myself more relaxed because we didn't have to protect her.

Selene's pov.

        i was in my room when the door opens and i turn a little to see Sebastian a worried look on his face. "what is wrong Sebastian?" i ask and he walks over to me. "Selene we are going to the Trancy manor and i would like to have you come with us. i don't know why you hate this flower so much but please put that aside and come with the young master and myself. i would feel better if you did." he says before grabbing my hands and placing a small kiss on my check. it was nice to have Sebastian ask and be so understanding because normally he was right no matter what and i was wrong. i give a little sigh before nodding my head. he smiles before pulling me closer to him and i lay my head on his chest enjoying the feeling of being close to my husband because i hadn't really been in the last week or two. "i'm sorry i have been so stubborn. please forgive me?" i say before looking up at him with sad, pleading eyes. he chuckles a little before leaning closer and kissing me. "i forgive you. now let's change your dress and i want to cut your hair so it is a little shorter because you keep fussing with it in your sleep." Sebastian says as he pulls me over to a chair.

Sebastian's pov.

         i was cutting Selene's hair when a thought occurred to me. i changed her into a demon but she has yet to mark me. once i was done i pick her up and carry her over to the bed where i lay her down before sitting by her. "Selene i need you to do something for me." i say before leaning over her a little. she nods her head before looking into my eyes. "i need you to pull out a little of your demon power so you can give me a mark like the one i gave you."  i say in a calm voice. she looks a little confused before sitting up a little making me lean away from her.  "you need me to do what? why would you need me to do such a thing?" she asks confusion on her face and worry in her eyes. i chuckle a little before picking her up and putting her in my lap. "to prove that i'm yours in case another demon like the one at the Trancy manor tries to go after me." i say and i could see a spark of anger in her eyes before she nods. i watch her in amazement as she pulls out a little power and i kiss her making her go limp in my arms before she kisses down my neck to where to it meets my shoulder before i feel something sharp dig in. i hold her closer to me as my world starts to spin a little and she pulls back looking at me with worry and love. i gently kiss her tasting my blood on her lips making me lose myself in the feeling of her lips pressed to mine. after a few more seconds pass she pulls away and puts her head on my chest making me worry that i had pushed her to far. "i'm fine Sebastian i was already sleepy before that. let me take a little nap." she mumbles before falling asleep. i chuckle again before standing then turning to put her in bed. once i was sure she was comfortable i walk to the bathroom and look into a mirror to see that she had marked me just like i had her. it was a nice feeling to know that i was hers alone and she was mine alone.

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