Chapter 6

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Selene's pov.

      We had just left the manor and were on our way to Ciel's town house which he keeps telling me i will love. i was just glad to get away from Bard and Mey-Rin. this morning before we left Mey-Rin decided to help me get ready to leave and had spilled hot tea all over my bed when she woke me up. when i had finally gotten over that as well as banning Mey-Rin from my room i head to the kitchen. when i was in the kitchen (which i should have stayed out of) Bard had his flam thrower out and had come close to burning my dress and me but luckily for me Sebastian had saved me from most of the damage that would have been. Bard feeling bad about it tried to make it up to me before we left and had cut my hand open with a knife as he buttered my bread. Really who uses a sharp knife to butter bread? Bard had cried a lot over it but Finny had been the one to bandage my hand with a worried look on his face.

        When we get to the town house Sebastian helps me down after he helped Ciel out.i follow the two of them into the house and we stopped seeing Madame Red and Lau looking for tea. Grell was there as well and i was unhappy to see him there. As Sebastian is making tea i am forced to talk with the others when i would rather be in my room not having to get involved with this whole situation. "Ciel who is this lovely girl you brought with you?" Madame Red asks after a few minutes of silence. "This is Selene she is helping me on this case. Selene this is Madame Red, Lau and you remember Grell." Ciel says as he points to each at turn. i give a strained smile to each of them before looking out the window. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Lau with a closed eyed smile. "When did you start working for Lord Phantomhive?" Lau asks as i look back out the window. "A few weeks ago. i was bed ridden when he had his last case so i unfortunately could not help." i say.

      "That's awful to hear what happened?" Madame Red asks and i turn to look at her. "I tripped on my dress and hurt my ankle. i wasn't able to walk without hurting myself more." i say giving her  a fake smile. Ciel sighs and everyone looks at him. "Leave Selene be. i don't want you to annoy her with to many questions." Ciel says. they nod and seat themselves around him before talking about the case. i sit by the window looking out it and was pulled out of my thoughts by Sebastian as he hands me a cup of tea. "Selene are you alright?" Sebastian asks in a quite tone. i sigh and shake my head. "My hand hurts a little and i don't want to be....." i say but let the thought drop as Grell walks over to us. Sebastian notices but doesn't push me so he walks over to serve Ciel and the others. i drink my tea quickly them stand up. Ciel looks over at me. "Selene what is wrong?" Ciel ask. i turn to look at him.

     "Nothing is wrong Ciel. i just dislike staying in stuffy rooms for to long. when your ready to leave for any reason then please come find me." i say before leaving the room. i feel like i am being followed so i head to the kitchen where i could use a knife to defend myself with. i had just stopped walking when i feel gloved hands on my arms. "Let me see you hand." Sebastian demands as he turns me. i sigh as i watch him unwrap my hand and look it over. "It doesn't look to bad. Selene how did this happen?" Sebastian asks. i hadn't told Ciel or Sebastian about how i got hurt so they wouldn't yell at Bard. "It doesn't matter how it happened it just did." i say as he gently cleans it again before wrapping it up in clean bandages. Sebastian frowns as he works on cleaning my wound. "Selene i won't be mad at whoever hurt you. i just don't want you to keep things from me if you don't have to." Sebastian says. i look at him with tears in my eyes. "Please don't yell at Bard when we get back. he was trying to make up almost setting my on fire this morning but he used a sharp knife to butter bread and i told him not to because he would hurt himself....." i say but Sebastian's finger on my lips stop me from going on.

      I wasn't sure what he was going to do but Sebastian gives me a smile and a small nod. "I will not yell at Bard if you....."Sebastian starts but stops as he cocks his head to the side. "The young master wants to leave to see the body. did you want to come?" Sebastian asks. i nod and follow him to where Ciel and the others were waiting for us. i was quiet on the ride and didn't get out to see the body even thew i knew i could handle it because my dad was a cop and had taken me to a few murder scenes. no it was due to the fact that i didn't want to see Madame Red looking over the body with curiosity and acting like she didn't know who had killed the girl. when they come back i get a cold look from Grell as he walks past. "Selene did you not wish to see the dead body because you can't handle it?" Lau ask once he is seated. i sigh a look out the window not wishing to talk to him. "I have seen plenty of dead bodies but i just could not stand to see a woman who might be my age dead." i say letting a few fake tears drop from my eyes. Ciel hands me his hankie and i gently wipe the tears away. "I didn't think it would hurt you so much to think about." Ciel says. i shake my head and look sadly over at Ciel making him blush a little.

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