Chapter 26

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Ciel's pov.

      i had a new case but deiced it would be best to leave Selene at home because she had been feeling sick the last few days. Sebastian was really worried about her but he came with me none the less. i don't think he was happy with the thought of leaving Selene in the care of Finny, Bard and Mey-Rin which i can't really blame him. i was little worried about leaving her in their hands as well after seeing Finny knock over that man and hurting him but i was sure nothing bad was going to happen to her if she just stayed in her room and bed like she had promised Sebastian and myself. as we were sitting on the train i was thinking about the Trancy's and what they did exactly for the Queen. Sebastian and i talk about it but i could tell he was worried about Selene as well. "Sebastian do you think that Selene might be very ill?" i ask as i look at him. it had been a few days since we had taken that photo which Selene had been very happy about. she had kissed my checks several times much to my surprise. "i hope not my lord. i really hope not." Sebastian says before we start talking about the Trancy's and the case once again.

Selene's pov.

      i had gotten sick a day or two after we had taken the pictures and i was really tired. i didn't blame Ciel for leaving me behind and i knew what was happening so i wasn't to worried about the, because Sebastian would do a good job keeping everyone safe. i could hear banging then some yelling letting me know that the others were home from dropping Ciel off at the train station. i was getting very thirsty and thought some tea might help settle my stomach so i get out of bed and pull a bathrobe tightly around me before walking slowly down to the kitchen. i know i promised them i wouldn't leave the room but there were things i needed and the others didn't know what room i was staying in. "Selene Sebastian told us to keep you in bed." Finny says when he sees me and runs over before picking me up. "i know Finny but i'm thirsty and would like some tea or water." i say as i lay my head on his chest as he carrys me to a chair that was in the kitchen. Tanaka walks over before placing a hand on my head then shaking his own. Bard and Mey-Rin walk over worry on their faces. "i'm fine really i just want some water before i go back to bed." i say as they look me over.

       after a few minutes of all of them fussing over me i was given a cup of water which them watched me drink before getting me another one. i stand and walk back to my room but i knew i was being followed by Finny who cared a lot about me. i think in many ways i might be the little sister he never had. i stop walking and turn to look at Finny. "i can make it back to my room just fine Finny. i will more then likely be sleeping throw dinner so don't worry about making me any." i say as i give him a smile. Finny shakes his head and puts a hand to his face whipping at his eyes. he had been crying? "Selene i am really worried about you so i want to take you to a doctor. will you come with me to see him?" Finny asks and i give him a small smile. "let's not tell Sebastian or Ciel about this. let me change and we can go. wait here for me." i say and give him a smile. Finny nods his head a wide smile on his face as he sits on the floor to wait for me. i change quickly then walk back to where Finny was waiting.

       Bard and Mey-Rin were sitting there as well and i shake my head a little. i had put on flats not to happy with the idea of heels. "what happened to it being just the two of us?" i ask Finny in a playful tone which makes him blush a little. "we were all worried about you and we all planed this out so we want to come with you." Bard says as they stand up. i shake my head and lean a little on the wall feeling a little dizzy. Finny was up and by my side in a flash before picking me up. "i'll carry you Selene so don't worry about it." Finny says as he walks down to the carriage that was waiting and Tanaka was holding the door open for us. Bard ends up driving us there. we had to stop a few times so i could throw up but after that i was fine. when we got to the doctors i go into the room with Mey-Rin because i didn't want the doctor to think Finny, Bard or Tanaka were married to me because of my ring."we have to run a few test to see what you have." the doctor says as he takes my blood for the 3rd or 4th time. i didn't really care because i thought i had the flu and it would be gone in a few more days. as we wait for the results to come back Mey-Rin played with my hair and hummed a song which was making me sleepy. "congratulations miss your with child." the doctor says and then i pass out.

Sebastian's pov.

           after the train ride today i wanted nothing more then to relax with my wife who was sick. when we get back to the manor the young master and i walk up to my room only to find it empty. i was a little panicked that she had been taken just like Trancy's butler said he would take her. we walk to the young master's study and he sits there with a worried look on his face. i deiced that i would give him the letter tomorrow not thinking i should worry him with it now. i could hear the doors opening down stars and footsteps walking up the hall. "find out where Selene is." the young master says before waving me away. i walk out of his study and as i was walking to the kitchen i see Finny carrying Selene who looks like she had fainted. i rush down to then and they all stop what they were doing guilty looks on their faces. "where did you take Selene?" i ask as i look them over and none of them would keep eye contact with me. "we took her to see a doctor." Bard finally said before rubbing the back of her head. "really and who played her husband?" i ask a little mad that they had taken my wife in without me. "Mey-Rin went in with her alone Sebastian because Selene asked us to have it that way. Mey-Rin is the only one besides Selene who knows the results of her test." Finny says as i take Selene from him. "Mey-Rin what did the doctor say?" i ask wanting to know what was wrong with my wife. "well Sebastian he said um.....oh... it was um......congratulations miss your  with child." Mey-Rin says before blushing and i was sure i looked shocked. so did the others and i didn't know what to do with Selene right now. but it all made since and the timing was right but now was a bad time for her to have a child when Trancy and his butler were after her.

         "don't let Selene know that you told the others or myself." i say before carrying her up to our room not giving them a chance to say anything. i put her down in bed before taking off her shoe's and change her cloths before pulling the blankets tight around her. it would be winter again soon and i wanted to keep her warm so she didn't get sicker then she already was. i kissed the top of her head before walking to the young master's study. "you found her then?" he asks without looking up from what he was doing. "yes my lord. it would appear the others were worried about her and took her to see a doctor. they don't know what he said because she fainted after hearing the results." i say which makes him look up at me. "your lying Sebastian. what did the doctor say?" the young master asks. i shake m head not really wanting to tell him. "Selene is with child." i say slowly and he jumps from his chair. "with child? but Sebastian she can't be." he says as he looks at me in shock i chuckle and nod my head. "she can and is. don't worry so much my young master she is a strong woman and this will not affect our deal." i say. he nod before motioning to a box that was by his desk. "Finny said this arrived when we were gone. i haven't opened it yet." he says. i walk over to it opening it to see the pictures we had taken and handing them to the young master to look throw. "Sebastian she looks lovely in her dress and she is so very happy." the young master says before turning the last picture in his hand so i could see it clearly. "i'm sure she will love it." i say before helping him put them all into frames. once i put him in bed i walk up to my room to see Selene sitting up a dazed look in her eyes and they widen in surprise when she sees me. "Mey-Rin told you didn't she?" she asks a few tears falling down her face. i walk over to her and pick her up out of bed before sitting her in my lap. "she did and i'm so very happy." i say as i kiss her tear streaked check. "me too." Selene says before laying her head on my shoulder and falling back asleep.

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