Chapter 12

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Selene's pov.

     it was snowing when i get up. the last few days Sebastian and i have had some time alone which we used to talk and get to know each other a little better. i didn't have any warm cloths to weir today so Sebastian had given me some of his cloths which Ciel and the others thought it was funny because Sebastian was known to mostly keep his things away from everyone. i was walking to the library when Bard runs into me and seeing as how i am dressed like Sebastian and look a little like him Bard starts to freak out. "sorry about that Sebastian." Bard says as he pulls me up and starts to dust me off. "its fine Bard." i say which causes him to jump away from me  with the fearful expression on his face it causes me to laugh at him. once i was done laughing at him he seems to feel more conferable around me and walks closer to me. "Selene are you really alright? Sebastian and the young master might kill me if you aren't." Bard says. i nod my head before giving him a big smile. "I should have watched where i was going better. sorry about scaring you." i say.  Bard shakes his head a little.

     "You look a lot like Sebastian when your dressed like that. did you know that?" Bars ask as he walks with me to the library where i had been going. "I know, Finny told me but then again he thought i was Sebastian as well when he first saw me." i say before giving a light laugh. i had my hand on the door handle  but stop when Bard grabs my arm. "Selene i really am sorry i knocked you over. i was actually looking for you to ask if you knew a good recipe for cake?" Bard asks. i nod my head and he lets me go. "I'll teach you it later tonight is that ok?" i ask. Bard gives me a big smile with a nod before running away. i sigh then go into the library before finding a book to read. i sit and start to read the book which i get really involved in. i hadn't really thought about the time until the book was taken from me and i look up to see who had taken it from me. Sebastian was standing there with a sly smile. "Lunch is ready and the young master wishes to talk with you." he says before leaning down to where his face was only a few inches from mine. i close that distance before placing a kiss on his lips. he smiles into the kiss before pulling away slowly like he didn't want to. i blush a little before standing and following him to where Ciel was waiting for me.

       "Selene i was going to have Sebastian get you some warmer cloths so you can go out. there is a festival being healed soon and i  wanted to take you to it." Ciel says. i give him a smile then look around. "thank you Ciel. i look forward to going to it with you." i say before looking down at the food sitting there in front of me.  i was really hungry but at the same time i really didn't feel like eating. i must have been looking at my food to hard because i feel hands on my shoulders and look up at Sebastian. "is something wrong with the food?" Sebastian asks with a small frown.  i give a small giggle before looking back at my food. "There is nothing wrong with it Sebastian. i just miss some of the things i like to eat is all." i say before i start to eat. once i was done i stand and walk up to my room. i could hear footsteps behind me so i leave my bedroom door open as i walk over to the bed and throwing myself onto it. there was soon small warm hands on my arm and i look up at Ciel who had a worried look on his face. "If you miss things you normally eat then teach Sebastian how to make them for you. i would love to eat what you do just to see what you like from where you come from." Ciel says before giving me a closed eyed smile. "Thanks Ciel it's real nice of you to say that. i might make something tonight but i don't know." i say before laying my head back on the bed.

       I feel him get off my bed and hear him leave the room before the door closes. once i was alone i change out of Sebastian's cloths into my pj's and laying down in bed. it's not that i was sick it was more of the it was cold and i didn't really want to sit around in Sebastian's cloths well the others run around and might mistake me for Sebastian again. i don't know how long i had laid there but i was soon really sleepy so i fall asleep in my nice warm bed.

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