Chapter 22

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Selene's pov.

        after the excitement of the day Lizzy visited was over Sebastian and i took my bag into the basement and we put it somewhere non of the others would touch it but i could still get to it if i wanted to. after that Sebastian took me out to the woods where we had a picnic which was really romantic.  as we were walking back to the manor Sebastian stops walking before turning to me and picking me up. "let's test out your powers my lady. i haven't had time to teach you anything yet." Sebastian says. i give a small sigh as he carries me back into the woods. when we get to where he was taking me he puts me down before looking me over. "now i know that your eye sight and hearing has improved greatly so let's test your strength." Sebastian says before pointing at a bolder that was close by. i look it over before looking at Sebastian not to sure what he wants me to do. "try lifting it." Sebastian says and i give a small nod before walking over to it and trying to pick it up. there was no way i could lift this and i was right because i struggle with it until i wanted to scream because nothing was happening.

          i look over at Sebastian who was shaking his head a small frown on his face. i could feel the tears starting to form because i had disappointed him. "just as i thought. your strength hasn't improved as of yet which means that your other from hasn't fully developed as well. i'm also guessing that your speed is still the same." Sebastian says as he walks over and dust off my hands. "let's have a race then." i say which makes him blink in surprise. "a race?" Sebastian asks a little uncertain of what i was saying. 'yep a race. we can run from here over to that big tree over there and back." i say as i kick off me heels which makes Sebastian frown a little. "alright but i'm not going to hold back on you." he says before getting ready to run. "go!" we both yell before taking off. i run as fast as i can and when i get to the tree turn as fast as i can without losing any of my speed and taking off for the bolder. when i get there i take a few deep breaths putting my hand on the bolder to support me a little because i was a tad dizzy. i feel Sebastian's hand on my back rubbing little circles into it. "that was very impressive Selene." he says and i nod a little before taking another deep breath. everything around me was starting to go dark and i fall into Sebastian's open arms.

Sebastian's pov.

        Selene faints into my open arms which i had guessed would happen. i pick up her heels and the basket before heading back into the manor. once we were in our room i take off her dress an he corset which was restricting her breathing. i put her in bed in her under dress which i would normally never allow but i knew she would wake up sooner or later. i had been surprise that her speed hand increased but her strength hadn't. 'maybe her change will be truly complete once she has her first soul?' i think as i hang up her dress and put other things away. i change my cloths and lay in the bed next to Selene pulling her closer to my body not wanting her to far away. i had yet to tell Selene that the young master was going to head to Paris and that i was going to ask that she stays here. i didn't want her to get hurt if something was to go wrong. the next morning i get up early to make the deliver that the young master had ordered and kiss Selene on the top of her head before  leaving.

Selene's pov.

        i wake up when i feel Sebastian kiss the top of my head but let him think i am still asleep so he doesn't worry about me. i lay in bed for a few more minutes before getting out of bed and dressed. i walk down to the kitchen only to have Bard almost knock me over but he twist as we fall so he lands on the ground first and not me. "sorry about that Selene. we have to get the young master's things ready to go and i was in a hurry. your not hurt are you?" Bard asks as i stand up before helping him up. "i'm fine Bard go get your work done." i say as i dust off my dress. he gives me a big smile before running off. i shake my head a little before walking over to the oven to see what kind of thing Sebastian was making. i sigh a little when i realize that he hadn't started anything yet so i wash my hands before starting on some dough for muffins. it was just about done when arms wrap around my waist and someone leaning onto my back a little. "my lady what are you doing?" Sebastian asks his warm breath tickling my neck a little. "cooking i believe is what it's called. i saw that you hadn't started anything so decide to make some muffins." i say which makes hims laugh a little. "that will be light for the young master to have." he says before letting me go so i could finish. i knew he was watching me closely. "you left early this morning where did you go?" i ask as i fill the tins before they were ready to go in the oven that was hot enough for them. "the young master gave me an order that i had to carry out." Sebastian says before giving me that look.

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