Chapter 11

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Selene's pov.

         We were now back at the manor with Pluto and i was starting to get over my bought of home sickness. Sebastian and i never did take a walk alone at night like he said because of the death of Lord Henry and the deal with Pluto. i was working in the kitchen when Bard wasn't there when there was a bang down the hall and i leave to go see what it was. Mey-Rin had dropped a bucket which had made the noise and i run back to the kitchen to see Bard messing with what i was making (meaning it was now a lump of burned nothingness). i sigh when seeing it and he gives me a sheepish smile and rubs the back of his head. "Bard what did you do?" i ask as i take a step forward. "Well i saw this and thought that Sebastian might need help so i used my flam thrower on it." Bard says. i shake my head and turn my back to him. "Clean up that mess before Sebastian sees it." i say then leave without another word to him. my dress was covered in flower so i head up to my room to change and find Pluto sitting on my bed. when he sees me he jumps onto me forcing me onto the ground.

          "Get off me." i yelp and try to push him off me. Pluto was soon pulled off me and i look up to see Sebastian standing there holding Pluto by the back of the neck. "Forgive me Selene i didn't know this dog was in the house let alone in your room. i will remove him now." Sebastian says before turning away and leaving me there on the floor. after laying there for a few minutes i finally stand and close the door before dusting myself off a little. i pull out a clean dress and then change into it. once i was changed i walk around the room looking for something to do and realizing that i had nothing to do. Mey-Rin, Finny, Bard and Sebastian all had work to do that Ciel told me not to help them with so i was left with nothing at all to do. i walk over to my bag and pull out my computer thinking about doing something on it. after sitting there for a while i finally open it up and turn it on. i was greeted with the background picture (which was Sebastian pulling off his glove with his mouth) which causes me to give a small sigh.  i plug in a hard drive which happens to be filled with my anime so i open up one of my favorites and start to watch it. i had gotten throw a few episodes when there was a knock on my bedroom door. i quickly close my show and turn off the computer before putting it away to get the door.

      Ciel was there looking upset. "is something wrong Ciel?" i ask as he walks into the room and sits on my bed. "Selene i need your help." Ciel says before looking up at me. i had a feeling i knew where this was going. "What do you need me to do Ciel? i know your trying to get a picture of Sebastian." i say as i sit by him. "I need some ideas on  how to get Sebastian to stand still for the photo." Ciel says as he shakes his head. i smile at him glad that he hadn't thought of using me as one of those plans of his. we sit there walking for a while before he leaves to his study.  i was left alone once again and i couldn't stand being in the manor for much longer so i slip on my heels and head out to the garden. i see a cute kitten in the garden so i sit down and it runs over to me before jumping in my lap purring. i don't know how long i was sitting there but the kitten leaves me and i watch it walk over to Sebastian who was looking at me. "I'm sorry she left you." Sebastian says as he sits there petting the kitten until Pluto jumps on him making the kitten run back over to me.

         Sebastian gets Pluto off of him before standing to go back to work. "Selene would you mind meeting me in the kitchen later tonight?" Sebastian asks as he looks over his shoulder at me. "that's fine with me. good luck with your work Sebastian." i say before giving him a big smile and him walking away. i stay outside of a hour or two longer before heading inside to see the failed attempt to get Sebastian to stop to look at a woman and was a little pleased to know that he didn't glance at her at all. Ciel looked a little upset that it didn't work. i walk up behind him before giving a little laugh. Ciel turns to give me a scowl before a slow smile spreads across his face and i didn't like the look he had. "no, no i don't like that look." i say as i back away from him. "Bard don't let Selene run away." Ciel says as i turn and start to run.

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