Chapter 10

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Sebastian's pov.

        Selene was hard to find in the maze but when i see her i was heart broken. had my kissing her really broken her down that badly. i was gentle as i untangle her hair from the bush and picking her up before walking to my room. after setting her down and kissing her i work on cleaning the wounds on her back which weren't that bad. she still wouldn't open her eyes until i convinced her to. i admitted that i loved her and she acted hurt when she hears me say that. i didn't want to let her go until i heard her say she loved me to my face. i had heard her say it to the young master but i needed to hear it from her. once she said it i felt my heart skip a beat and let her go. she agreed to keep what we had a secret for now and i help her change for dinner. as she was sitting there she shivers as i set her food in front of her so i gently pat her back trying to make her feel better. After dinner was done and i was done with cleaning i went to see what Selene was doing only to see her on her bed almost asleep so i start to take off her dress. she stops me and i watch as she slips the dress of before struggling with getting the corset off.  she lets me help her then i leave to go get the young master ready for bed.

         the young master was in his study when i enter the room. he looks up at me then back down at the papers in his hand. "time for bed young master." i say. he huffs before letting the papers fall to the desk and standing. he had a small smile on his face as i helped him change his cloths. "Something happened between you and Selene today didn't it?" the young master asks.  i give him a sly smile before he lays in bed. "many things happened today young master please be more specific in your question." i say which causes my young master to huff again and a look of annoyance to cross his face. "You can't lie to me Sebastian what happened today?" He demands and i sigh a little because i had asked Selene to promise not to talk about our relationship but now i would be the one to tell. "This can wait until the morning we have a long day ahead of us young master please go to sleep." i say. he nods before closing his eyes and falling asleep quickly.  i leave his room and go to my own room before i chance and lay in my bed.

        I had a bad feeling about this case and so must Selene if she was so scared of what was going to happen. i knew that she knew what was going to happen and it worried me a little that she was keeping this information to herself but then again i could understand why she wouldn't want to tell any of us for the fear of changing what should happen. she was the only thing that would change anything in our lives now. i close my eyes as i think about all the things that have to be done in the morning for us to leave on time. it was going to be difficult with those three coming with us on this case. the young master would let Selene ride with him so they could talk about the case so i wasn't to worried about her freezing on the way to the village.the next morning i head to the kitchen to start work on making food for the young master and Selene who were still asleep.

Selene's pov.

        i wake up and start to finish packing up my things leaving out my dress for today. Sebastian would be here to help me change at some point but i didn't really know if i want to have him help me with our current situation. i must have spaced out as i was packing because i soon hear a knock on the door and Ciel walks in with Sebastian close behind him. Ciel blushes when he sees me in my night gown but i roll my eyes and walk over to the changing curtain. "What is wrong Ciel?" i ask. Ciel makes a funny noise and Sebastian chuckles before walking over to where i am. i had changed quickly into my under dress so Sebastian helps me with the corset then pulls the dress on over it. once i was done i fold my night gown before walking over to my suitcase putting it in there. "I wanted to know if you had everything packed." Ciel says as he watches me close my suitcase and slide on my heels. Sebastian picks up my bag and we all walk out of my room. Ciel and i head down to the dinning room where our food was waiting for us and Sebastian and the others pack up all the things that we would be taking with us. once we were done eating we head outside we head over to Sebastian who had the carriage door held open for us.

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