Bonus chapter 2

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Selene's pov.

it hadn't been long since the picture incident and we hadn't seen Undertaker in months. Ciel had gotten a new case. "bringing the dead back to life?" i ask as Ciel tells me all about his case making me think over everything i knew of Black Butler until one arch in the manga stands out to me. the arch where they went on the boat that reminds Titanic going down. i always told my friends when they asked about it that it was like Titanic but with zombies. i smirk a little as i think over everything that happens but frown a little because if i remember right Snake was with Ciel when they went on this case so the fact that Snake wasn't here made me worry that something was going to go wrong. i bite my bottom lip as i think over what was going to happen as Sebastian and Ciel talk about the case. i hold back my gasp and the slight moan that almost slipped out when come in the window dressed as a doctor. i make an excuse to quickly run from the room and my noise was bleeding by the time I finally stop in the kitchen. big black drops land on the ground making me give a small sigh before i clean them up as well as try to stop my noise from bleeding even more.

"are you alright Selene?" Sebastian asks from behind me and i turn to look up at him before nodding my head quickly. that was a bad move seeing as how a few droplets of blood land on the ground in front of him. he frowns before rushing over to me, it didn't help that he was still dressed like a doctor making me feel a little weak in the knees. "Sebastian stop please." i beg as i take a few steps back only for my back to hit something making it impossible from me to get away from him now.  Sebastian walks over to me and pins me to the thing i had run into. "your bleeding." he says before leaning in to me before licking the blood off of my face. i shiver against him and he smirks a little before pulling back. "i'm fine really it's just a little noise bleed. it happens all the time." i say trying to sound strong but there must have been something in my voice that makes Sebastian not believe me and he smirks a little. "is that so my lady? perhaps i should give you a check up." he purrs as he picks me up and heads to our room. i let out a small whimper as he walks and rubs my side with his hand that was free. "so perfect." he mumbles before kissing me, my blood slipping down onto our lips making him kiss me harder than before and lick it up. when we got into the room he drops me on the bed before getting on top of me and kisses down my neck making me moan a little as he nips at the skin before pulling back to look at me. "Sebastian." i moan and his eyes change to his demon ones making me lick my lips. "you smell irresistible my lady." Sebastian purrs before he goes back to kissing me and as he was he undressed me.

Ciel's pov.

i hadn't seen Sebastian or Selene in almost two hours but Sebastian finally came down a small smile on his face that i wasn't sure if i really liked. "do you have everything packed for our trip?" i ask and Sebastian nods his head. "yes young master. i have everything all packed up. what would you like for dinner?" Sebastian asks and i frown a little as i think about his question. "whatever you or Selene feel like making me. speaking of where is Selene i'm worried about her." i say and Sebastian pauses as he tilts his head. "she is taking a nap. she had a noise bleed earlier and said she didn't feel well so she was going to take a small nap to feel better." Sebastian says before his over happy smile returns. i dismiss him and shiver a little once he was gone. i may be 13 but i knew what just happened between my butler and his wife. 'she might end up with a child from this.' i think before shaking my head and looking back down at the papers in front of me.

on the day of the trip i walked next to Selene as we walk onto the boat. Elizabeth runs over and hugs me and Selene gives a silent giggle as she watches what was going on between myself and my betrothed. "Selene you came too! that dress is so cute and looks so nice on you. where did you get it?" Elizabeth asks and Selene blushes a little as her fingers run over her skirt. "Sebastian got it for me a few months ago. it was a present for him being gone so long a while back." Selene says and before Elizabeth can say anything else her mother yells at her. i pale a little when i see her and soon her brother was yelling at me about how he doesn't acknowledge me as his brother in law but soon Elizabeth's father hugs me like Elizabeth her self would. Selene giggles as she watches Elizabeth's mother force Sebastian to comb back his hair before she turns on her. "Elizabeth who is this girl?"  her mother asks and Selene pales a little before leaning closer to Sebastian. "this is Selene Sebastian's wife. isn't she so cute?" Elizabeth says and her mother looks Selene over slowly. "i see well before we head to eat Elizabeth you will help me make her look presentable." her mother says and i watch as Selene was pulled away by the two women. not even a half hour later Selene comes back with her hair pulled up in a tight bun and a few lose hairs curled int he front framing her face.

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