Chapter 18

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Selene's pov.

     i let Ciel pull me down to the kitchen but i freeze when we walk in. sitting there was Ash and he was drinking tea with Tanaka. Ciel, Ash and Sebastian start to talk and when he was done Ash looked over at me before giving a smile. i look away from him quickly and wanted to run from him just to go puke or something. that man was scary no matter what anyone said. once he was gone Ciel and Sebastian start to talk about the case and neither one of them noticed me slip away and up to my room. once i was alone i sink to the floor and shake as i try to calm down. he isn't here anymore, he can't do anything to hurt me. he isn't here anymore, ha can't do anything to hurt me. i think over and over again letting the shaking stop.

       i jumped out of my skin when the door opens behind me and i back away from the door. it was still scared and i wouldn't look up at whoever had just walked into my room. i soon feel gloved hands on my face forcing me to look up into crimson eyes. "my lady are you alright?" Sebastian asks as he sits by me. i take a deep breath and feel a little better now that he was with me. "i don't like that man. Sebastian i don't want to be around him." i say in a shaky breath. he pulls me closer to him before kissing the top of my head. "the young master wishes to talk t you about the case." Sebastian says before standing up and holding his hand out to me. i take it and let him pull me up before he takes me to Ciel's office. i stand by the door not wanting to really be here. Ciel decides that i was coming on this case and that we were going to use Undertaker to get in. i sigh before looking at what i was weiring because i didn't want to weir a dress on this one.

       "let me go change before we leave." i say and they both nod their heads letting me go to my room. i pull out out the cloths i had worn when i got stabbed when Ciel was working on the Jack the Ripper case. Sebastian had fixed them up so you couldn't tell that they had been covered in blood or ripped. i change quickly before tucking my hair in my hat as i walk down to where they were waiting. Ciel shakes his head when he sees me and Sebastian looks mad. "your not going looking like that." Ciel says. i roll my eyes and shake my head a little. "Ciel trust me. i will take the hat off if that makes you feel better." i say. Ciel sighs before nodding his head and leading me outside. we make out war quickly to the Undertakers shop. when we walk in there was Grell was dressed as Undertaker. i roll my eyes as i walk over to where the Undertaker was and he smiles up at me. Grell was talking to Sebastian and Ciel about how he had gotten there as Undertaker does his thing in the salt. once we got him out and set up a plane we leave.

       things happen just like in the anime and when we get in the little kids tease us about being unclean. then there was that nun who was checking out Sebastian who was being his charming self. i huff which makes him look over at me. i was ready to cry and his eyes flash with pain at realization that he might have broken his promise to me. i turn around because i couldn't watch this at all. Ciel looks over at me and grabs my hand before squeezing it gently. Ciel orders Sebastian to get the information we need and i sit on the ground by that post as Ciel and Grell talk. it hurt a lot to know what or think to know what your husband was doing with another woman. i look up when i feel pain in my leg and see Grell standing over me. "don't hurt her. she has nothing to do with this." Ciel snaps. Grell rolls his eyes at Ciel then looks at me like he was going to kill me. "you stay away from my Sebastian." Grell growls at me. i look at him then over at Ciel. "tell me when he is back." i say in a emotionless tone before putting my head down on my knees before the tears start to fall.

Ciel's pov.

      i felt bad about what i had done to poor Selene. she was crying and i had caused it. Grell threatens Selene and when she looks up at me with dead emotionless eyes i shrink back a little. even her voice was emotionless when she talked to me.  after a few minutes Sebastian comes out changing his gloves and a discussed look on his face. he looks around like he had lost something before walking over to us. "she is willing to talk now." Sebastian says in a low tone and i look down at Selene. she didn't even move at the sound of Sebastian's voice. i put a hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me. "Sebastian is back. i'm sorry." i say and give her a ghost of a smile. she just looks blankly up at me then around. Grell was hanging on Sebastian who was looking right at Selene. a look of hatred flashes across her face before that blank look returns and she stands. we listen to what the nun has to say as she fixes her cloths i don't know what Sebastian had done but whatever it was that woman was trying to show off. i look over at Selene and she was shaking i wasn't sure if it was from anger or betrayal. i look over at Sebastian who was watching Selene carfully like she was a deadly snake or something.

Sebastian's pov.

        i hadn't done what Selene must have thought i did. that girl was trying to get under  Selene's skin. i wanted nothing more then to pull Selene into my arms and kiss her to make things better. she was shaking and i was worried that she might attack that poor girl. once we were left alone just the four of us i move closer to Selene who looked dead. it was making my heart break and i needed to have just a few moments alone with Selene to explain things to her. she finally looks up at me and i could see the hurt in her eyes. Grell had run after some children to get their cloths and i took that opportunity to pull Selene into a much needed hug. "i'm sorry my lady." i whisper and she gives a little strangled cry before looking up at me. "you don't have to be i knew that was coming and i know it meant nothing to you." she says a small smile now on her face and i let her go as she turned to where Grell had disappeared.

Selene's pov.

      i felt better after getting a hug from Sebastian and hearing him say he was sorry. the moment Grell comes out in the little kids cloths i couldn't help the small laugh that came out after the gasp. Ciel and Sebastian shared the same look of horror and that made me smile widely at them. we soon were sitting in the back to see what this cult was doing and if they really were using cinematic records of people.  when it was over Ciel was looked at by some woman who want to purify him and Sebastian follows behind him so i was left with Grell. Grell looked me up and down before huffing. "what is your problem with me?" i hiss at him. he looks hatefully at me before looking around. "you are trying to take Sebastian away from me." he finally says. i didn't get a chance to say anything back because Ciel was soon in front of us. "Selene stay close to Sebastian." Ciel says and i nod my head all to happy to stay with my husband.

        We watch Ciel go off with that creepy Priest and when Ciel called for help i run as fast as i can to Ciel well Sebastian does what he does. i had just about reached Ciel when Angela slapped me into Grell before taking Ciel away. i was in a lot of pain and my sight was a little blurry. "Selene?!?!" Sebastian says as he picks me up. we follow Angela and when we got to the grim reaper library my vision had cleared but my head hurt a lot. "Selene are you feeling alright?" Sebastian asks as he runs. i was on his back as he ran so i would keep up. "my head hurts a little. i can see things clearly again." i say before rubbing my head into his shoulder. he sighs before gently squeezing my legs letting me know things were better. we soon see Ciel and Angela. Sebastian puts me down and was about to run over to Ciel when William stops him. dispute how much i was afraid of Angela i couldn't let her do this to Ciel so when i see him fix his cinematic record i feel better and rush at Angela where she disappears before i get to her. i would have fallen over the edge if it wasn't for strong arms pulling me back. i look down and see black sleeves  before hearing a evil chuckle. i relax a little because Undertaker had saved me.

      "thank you Undertaker." i say once he lets me go. Sebastian was looking Ciel over but once he hears my voice looks over at me. i shake my head and that was a mistake because it hurt me more then helped.  i close my eyes and soon feel gloved hands on mine. i open my eyes slowly and we see the books around doing what they did in the show. i hold onto Ciel's shoulders as Sebastian, Grell and William are sent away. then Undertaker looks at us before giving a smile. we eventually end up in Undertakers shop and he talks about still having the cinematic records of Ciel's parents. Ciel leaves with Sebastian right behind him.  i look at Undertaker and he looks at me. "your not from this world are you?" Undertaker asks as he leans closer to me. "what would make you think that?" i ask as i lean back a little. he chuckles but before he could say anything Sebastian comes back in and picks me up before we leave. "you should have stayed with the young master and myself." he says his warm breath fanning my face. i blush a little before leaning into him more. "i'm sorry Sebastian. please forgive me." i say before smiling up at him and he sighs before shaking his head.

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