Chapter 19

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Sebastian's pov.

       i had just finished moving Selene's things into my room. i wouldn't have her sleeping in a diff rent room than mine. she didn't know i was doing this and she was down helping the young master with some work of his. i would have to talk to Selene about what she had done wrong on the last case. i was afraid that she would have died or gotten hurt when she went after that angel. what was she thinking when she charged at that angel? i sigh as i put her last dress away before looking around my room. it was dark in here and i would have to lighten things up for Selene when she was getting ready for bed later tonight. there was a crash from down the hall way where Selene's room had been. i walk quickly there thinking Selene had seen her room empty and broke something but i find Finny, Bard, and Mey-Rin standing there looking around her room. "we have to tell the young master." Mey-Rin says in a high pitch voice. they were running around with panicked looks on their faces. i watch them for a few more minutes until making a small noise that makes them all stop.

      "what do you three think you are doing?" i ask before looking at each of them. they give me a blank look then look at the ground. "we came to see Selene because she looked sad after the last case she helped the young master with but when we got here all her things were gone." Bard says as he rubs the back of his head. Finny and Mey-Rin nod their heads in agreement. i hadn't thought of what to tell the others about Selene no longer having this room. "Sebastian." Selene yells from down the hall she comes running over in her dress but trips on it and i rush forward to catch her before she can hurt herself. i land hard on the floor my arms around Selene keeping her in place so she wouldn't get hurt. "Sebastian you can let me go now." Selene says her warm breath fanning over my face and i look up into her eyes which held embarrassment and love. she blushes a little as she gets up off of me. i lay there for a few seconds before standing and looking her over to see if she got hurt. "is something wrong Selene?" i ask after fixing my jacket.

       "ohh ummmm.... i wanted to make some sweets with you for tea and i couldn't find you in the kitchen so i came up here and....." Selene says her face turning more red when the others come out of her room and she turns around so they couldn't see her. that meant that i couldn't see her face as well which makes me a little mad. "Selene where did all your things go?" Finny asks as he walks forward as if to touch her and i scowl at this. Selene turns to look at them a confused look on her face. "my things should be in my room." she says in a slow even tone. i sigh then walk over to Selene. "Selene the young master asked me to move your things so that your room could be cleaned before it was all put back." i say before gently grabbing her arm. she tenses up at first but relaxes a little letting me pull her away from the others. once we get down to the kitchen i let her go before looking at her.

      "did you really move my things to clean my room?" Selene asks as she takes a step forward. i sigh and run my hand throw my hair not really ready to tell her the truth yet. "in a mannor of speaking yes. the room is being cleaned and it will stay that way until we have a new guest." i say as i look her in the eyes. she looks confused for a few moments until a blush spreads across her face. "so where did my things go?" she aks. there was a look of panic in her eyes as she waited for me to say something. "in my room. where you sill be staying." i say and she relaxes a little when she hears this. "so about those sweets?" Selene says as she turns away from me. Bard walks into the kitchen and watches us work.

Selene's pov.

        i was a little hurt that Sebastian hadn't asked me if i wanted to sleep in the same room as him. i get that we were married and that was what normal married couples did but i wasn't sure if i was ready for that. it was a silly thought because i didn't know if i could sleep in the same room as him but i could sleep with him. Bard was watching us make the sweets like he was trying to learn how to make them just by watching us. i smile a little at the thought. by the time we were done there was some chocolate tarts with a whipped topping. i couldn't keep the smile off my face because Sebastian had let me take the lead on making the sweets for today. he had paired it up with a tea that would complement them nicely and he was now putting all the things on the tea trolley that he would need. i follow him a few steps behind not really thinking about much but why he hadn't asked me if i wanted to share a room with him. when we get to Ciel's study he had a frustrated look on his face like something was making him really mad.

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