Chapter 29

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Sebastian's pov.

      last night i watched Selene when she didn't think i was looking. she had spent most of the night crying for no reason and when i asked her about it she just shook her head telling me it was nothing or i would find out soon. when she finally fell asleep she tossed and turned before giving small screams which made me worry greatly about her. i held her close to me as the night went on because she just about fell out of bed a few times. when it was time to get the young master up i didn't want to leave her side because she had just fallen into a peaceful sleep. i leave and get him ready for the day before starting food for this morning. i would have to wait a little longer to go get Selene up.

Selene's pov.

       i get up and ready for the day so Sebastian didn't have to worry over me. he would have a lot to worry over soon so i wanted to spend as much time with Ciel as i could. i walk down to the dinning room to eat with Ciel but he wasn't there yet. i sigh and put a hand to my head before shaking it a little. i was about to walk to Ciel's study when he walks into the room a mad look on his face. Sebastian was right behind him and they both freeze when they see me. "Selene i have a case in the city and want you to stay home for today can you do that?" Ciel asks as he walks over to me. "i can find something here to entertainer me for the day. just come back home safe." i say before hugging him and placing a kiss on the top of his head. i force the tears back because i had a feeling i knew what was going to happen today. Ciel hugs me back and pulls my face down before placing a sweet kiss on my check. i give him a sad smile as he walks back over to where Sebastian was waiting for him. i walk over to Sebastian and give him a gentle kiss. "bring Ciel back no matter what. i will wait here unless you need me." i whisper before he  gives me a sweet and passion filled kiss before they both disappear from the house. i walk over to a window and watch them go as the tears fall down my face.

       i was getting frustrated with waiting for them to come back and snapped at anyone easily. the others avoided me and i ended up out in the rose garden only so i wouldn't lash out at them anymore because i wanted to be with Sebastian and keep Ciel from the Trancy servants. i was walking to the maze when some people from Scotland yard showed up and head to the manor's door. i didn't listen to what they were saying but Finny was soon by me as Bard talks to them. "Selene they want to take you away come hide." Finny whispers as he pulls on my arm. i let him but then there were shots and Finny was pulled away from me and i was dragged away. "Finny go tell Sebastian!" i scream as i struggle in their hold. i end up in a room that looked a little familiar to me but i just couldn't put my finger on it. not much later i hear gun fire and know exactly where i am. "Claude did this." i hiss as i walk over to the window to see if i could find Sebastian outside. i should have known that they would try to take me away from Sebastian as well as Ciel. i could hear Ciel talking and Claude brainwashing him. i wanted to scream and ran over to the door hitting on it trying to brake it down because no mear human door was going to stop me."Ciel don't!" i scream as i pound on the door. i couldn't listen to all of this and needed to save Ciel because i couldn't let him become a demon. i go quiet as tears fall down my face because i couldn't do a thing to save him. one of the triplets shows up and takes me away and i could hear Sebastian down the hall but if i made a sound now he would lose Ciel faster then he would lose me. i broke my heart to hear Ciel's order to Sebastian and the tears fall harder then before.

          once we get to the Trancy manor i kick and bit at anyone who came to close to me almost as if the need to protect my child was driving me or it was my grief of losing the Ciel i knew and loved. someone threw a punch at me and i grabbed their arm before trying to brake it but ended up on the floor with blood coming from my head. Claude walks in not much later and i was still on the floor. i flinched a little as his cold eyes fell on me and he had Ciel in his arms. the tears start to fall again and i put my hands to my face covering it as i cried. "Ciel....oohhhh poor Ciel." i cried into my hands then i feel gentle hands on my shoulder. "come with me Lady Selene and i will draw you a warm bath as well." Hannah says from behind me. i felt numb all over so i just nodded my head and followed her to the same room i was in last time but it was a little different seeing the bars on the window. "so i'm a caged bird in the spiders den am i?" i ask before giving a humourless laugh. Hannah looks away from me and i sneer at her like Sebastian does at Claude. "it doesn't matter i will get out of here with Ciel with me." i say in a strong voice before pushing past her into the bathroom which i lock myself in. i took a bath but took as long as i could knowing i wasn't going to sleep well tonight without Sebastian with me.

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