Chapter 21

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Selene's pov.

         i was glad that Sebastian was trying hard to make things up to me but he still doesn't understand what made me so upset with him. it had been a few days and we were talking but not really touching until he understood. i was out in the garden when i feel hands on my waist and lips on my neck. "my lady come inside please." Sebastian says his breath washing over where he had bitten me on our wedding night. i sigh a little and let him pull me in and up to our room.i gasp a little when i see new flowers in the vase by the bed and rose petals on the bed and leading into the bath. "Sebastian what is all of this?" i ask in a shaky voice which makes him chuckle a little. "i know what i said wrong. i shouldn't have said anything about you tainting Ciel's soul or that the pain was good for him. i though you would understand what i was talking about until i remembered that in many ways your still very human." Sebastian says before spinning me around so i was looking at him. i give a small nod before looking up at his face. he was smiling a little before he leans in and gives me a kiss that was sweet yet not so sweet, gentle but needing and warm. when he pulled away i wanted to yell at him to kiss me again but didn't when he picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. "you should take a nice warm bath now my lady then have tea with the young master." Sebastian says before kissing he top of my head and leaving me alone.

           i give a small sigh as i sit in the warm water that had rose petals in it which make the bathroom smell amazingly lovely and i wasn't sure i would want to get out anytime soon.  i close my eyes  as i sit there not really worried about what would happen if i fell asleep in the bath. i jump a little when i hear a noise like someone coming into my room and realized that the bath water around me was now cold. i was about to get out of the bath when Sebastian walks in a small worried look on his face. "Selene are you alright?" Sebastian asks when he sees me. i giggle a little before nodding my head. "fine i guess i fell asleep because of how nice the water was. thank you for doing that for me Sebastian it was really sweet." i say as i take a small hand full of water with the rose petals letting them run throw my fingers and back into the water making the room start to fill with their scent once again. Sebastian chuckles from where he was standing before bending over so his face wasn't that far from mine. "i am very happy that you enjoyed your bath but the young master wishes to have tea soon and for you to be there. so get dried and dressed quickly he does not like to be kept waiting for long." he says before placing a small kiss on my lips then leaving the room.

           i get out before quickly drying myself off then walking into the bedroom to put on a nice dress. i give a small yelp when i see Sebastian sitting on the bed a sly smile on his face as he watches me. "i thought you were going back to work." i say as a blush forms on my face. "i will once you are dressed. the young master ordered me to make sure you were dressed and ready for tea." Sebastian says his eyes flashing quickly from one color to the other then back. i shake my head a little as i walk behind the changing screen and pull on undergarments before the under dress. "you know at first i hated this thing. i still do because it's silly and uncomfortable. do i really have to weir it and heels today Sebastian?" i say as i hold up the corset not to pleased that i might have to weir it today. there were days where i was lucky enough to get dressed without Sebastian in the room and i wouldn't put that death trap on unless he noticed it but he always does. "yes Selene you have to weir it. it would be very unlady like if you didn't." Sebastian says as he walks over to me as if i was some kind of animal he was hunting. i huff a little and when i wasn't paying close attention he grabbed the corset from my hand and was putting it on. "i hate it!" i say with another huff and he chuckles from behind me. "you may hate it my lady but you must weir it everyday." Sebastian says as he finishes his work. i shake my head a little and he spins me around so i was looking at him. "how are you feeling? i have been a little worried about you since the night i changed you into a demon." Sebastian asks before placing little kisses all over my face and neck. "i don't know normal i guess. what should i be feeling Sebastian? i don't like to have you worried over things." i say before leaning my head onto his shoulder. he runs his hand throw my hair a few times before giving a small sigh in relief before pushing me back from him. "the young master is waiting for you." he says then pulls out a dress for me to weir. i sigh before letting him pull it over me and put on the heels that he insist that i weir.

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