Chapter 17

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Selene's pov.

      it had only been a few days since we had gotten back from Ciel's last case. Bard had kept his word and hadn't said a thing about seeing Sebastian and i kissing. i hadn't seen any of the others but Ciel since Sebastian had put that ring on my finger. "Selene how are things going?" Ciel ask as we drink tea together. Sebastian had left us alone to go deal with some disaster that had happened. "things are good. what exactly did you want to know?" i ask as i set my tea cup down before looking up at him throw my eyelash's. he blushes a little before setting his cup down as well. "when are you and Sebastian going to have your wedding?" he ask as he places his hands together. i sigh a little then look out the window. "soon, he wants to have it before the next full moon. i don't mind that. the only thing i mind is that it isn't going to be a normal wedding.there are a few things that i always thought i would have for my wedding that i'm not going to have." i say before picking my cup up again and taking a drink. i hadn't told Sebastian this yet but it was hurting me emotionally to not have my family here to see me get married but then again i think he hadn't really thought about it.

       "is there anything i could do to help?" Ciel asks and i look into what is left of my tea thinking. "i don't think there is. Ciel there are a few things that no one can help me with and this is one of the few things that i will have to accept. please don't tell Sebastian that i feel like i am missing somethings." i say as i look at him. he nods his head and we finish our tea in silence and i leave him in his study to get some more work done. i needed to clear my head so i walk out to the garden and see Finny who smiles at me when he sees me. "Selene what are you doing out here? Sebastian said that you were sick." Finny says as he stops what he was doing. "homesick maybe but not sick in the physical seance." i say as i walk  over to the roses. Finny watches me carefully. "Selene you should go back inside. Sebastian will get mad if he finds out you were out here." Finny says before frowning. i sigh and shake my head. i turn quickly and walk swiftly away from him and around to the front of the manor. i was really mad that Sebastian had lied to the others saying i was sick to keep them from me. i was really mad at him so as i walk to the back again i check to see if Finny is still there which he wasn't i was happy for that and took this chance to walk quickly to the maze. it was nice in here and i walk for a while until coming to a bench and sitting on it before looking up at the sky.

          i close my eyes and think about what my brother might be thinking or doing. was he worried about me? was he out there looking all over for me thinking i might have been kidnapped or raped or killed? was my sisters worried about me? were they asking their friends if they had seen me? did they ask my friends if they knew where i was? were my parents worried sick about me and asking people for help? did my dad's friends on the force think he was a bad parent for letting me go out to a busy city on my own? as i think these things i couldn't help but cry a little. i was putting my family throw so much and had no way of telling them i was fine and safe and in love. i open my eyes again slowly to see the sky was a little darker then it had been when i had first sat down so i stand and brush off my dress before starting on my way back. i didn't get lost and looked around to see no one in the garden before walking back into the manor and up to my room. i was feeling really bad about this whole thing. i hadn't really thought about my family since the whole Pluto thing. i sigh as i look around my room because someone had moved things around but my bag that i had come here with was still where it always was and it hadn't been touched. i knew that because of the dust that was around it and on it.  who would have done this to my room? i think as i clean up the best i can.

          once my room was clean i pull out a dress and take it with me to the bathroom. i really didn't want to deal with the corset so if i did take a bath then i would have to struggle with taking it off then putting it back on. i sigh and hang the dress in the bathroom deciding that i would take a bath in the morning and had my dress picked out before walking back into my room. sitting on my bed was Pluto and he runs over to me knocking me over as he tries to "lick" me. i give a small squeal and soon feel him being pulled off of me. i look up at Sebastian who was holding Pluto and he throws Pluto out of my room before turning to look at me. "Where have you been?" he ask as i stand and wipe the drool off my face. "i was walking around thinking." i say as i shrug my shoulders before turning to walk back into the bathroom to wash my face. i had only taken 5 steps before hands were on my waist pulling me back into strong arms. Sebastian's breath on my neck gives me goose bumps and my body tenses waiting for what he was going to do. he kisses my neck and i shiver a little. "what were you thinking about?" he asks as his lips gently brush my neck. "i don't want to talk about it." i say before trying to pull away from him but his hold tightens on me.

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