Chapter 3

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Selene's pov.

     I was in the kitchen with Bard trying to convince him that cooking with a flame thrower was a bad idea but he wouldn't listen to me. so i left him in the kitchen alone so that he would be the only one yelled at by Sebastian when things go bad.about 6 minutes later i hear a boom then see the smoke coming from the kitchen. Bard comes running out and he runs over to me with Sebastian hot on his tail. "I told you it was a bad idea and that Sebastian would come to yell at you." i say once Bard and Sebastian was close to me. Bard grabs me and puts me between himself and Sebastian. Sebastian had stopped walking when he heard what i said. "Bard you shouldn't upset Selene and put her in the way of your problems." Sebastian says before giving him a tight fake smile. i could feel Bard shudders behind me as he gently pushes me to Sebastian. "Selene save me." Bard whispered before pushing me into Sebastian and running away.

      Sebastian caught me and me not being used to the dresses of this time got my leg twisted in it and could hear a snap. i let a small cry of pain pass my lips. Sebastian frowns when he hears that and picks me up before walking over to a chair. "Let me look at your leg. which one hurts?" Sebastian asks. i blush a little as Sebastian lifts up the bottom of the dress. i pull away a little but Sebastian holds onto my leg causing me to blush darker. "Selene please let me take a look at your inhere leg. the young master would be unhappy to know i let you go around hurt with out taking care of you." Sebastian says before giving me another smile that could make me faint. "My left anckle hurts. it might be sprained not borken." i say. Sebastian nods before he gently takes off my heel before rubbing it. i hiss in pain when he applys to much pressure and when i do he stops to look at me with what i think might be worry. i let a little laugh out when i see him like this.

     "What is so funny Selene?" Sebastian asks as he goes back to looking at my ankle. i had let my laughing stop and look down at Sebastian. i was just about to tell him but Ciel walks in and looks upset. once he sees me with Sebastian holding my ankle he rushes over. "Sebastian what happened?" Ciel yells before he stops next to me. i put a hand on Ciel's shoulder as he reaches out to touch me. "Ciel i'm fine. Thank you for your help Sebastian but i think i can make it up to my room just fine now." i say before sliding off the other heel. i make my way quickly to my room and i lay on my bed before letting tears fall from my eyes. i don't know  how long i layed there crying but i snaped out of it when i hear a knock on the door.  "Selene are you all right?" Finny asks. i sigh and whipe my eyes removing all signs of tears. "Come in Finny." i say. Finny comes in and looks around. when he sees me laying in bed he walks over to me. "Bard said that he left you with Sebastian and he didn't see you again after Sebastian started to yell at him for hurting you and setting the kitchen of fire. i wanted to make sure you were better." Finny says as he reaches for me. i flinch away from him and regret it because of the hurt look on his face.

     "Don't feel bad Finny. i just don't like to be touched when i'm hurt." i say as i look at the ground. I feel the bed dip as Finny sits by me on the bed. "I'm alright Finny. you should go do your job and when i'm ready i'll come down and let you know." i say. Finny gives me a big goofy grin before nodding his head before running away to his job. i lay back down on my bed after wrapping my hurt ankle to make the pain dull a little before i fall asleep. i'm woken up to cold hands touching me and sit up ready to punch whoever was touching me. when i notice it's Sebastian i stop my arm and stair at him with wide eyes. "What are you doing up here?" i ask. Sebastian smiles at me and i start to breather harder because he could cause me to faint which i did.

Sebastian's pov.

      Selene was asleep on her bed when i went to check on her. the young master had yelled for quite a while before sending me to punish Bard and check on Selene. i wanted to know what she was going to tell me before the young master had so rudely interrupted our talk. she was thrashing about in her sleep so i pull off my gloves to put my cold hands on her ankle to make the pain leave.  she sits up looking confused and she pulls back her arm as if to hit me. her arm stops before her eyes widened."What are you doing up here?" Selene asks. i smile and hear her breathing become off and she faints. i sigh before taking a better look at her ankle which she had done something to that i didn't recognize. i look it over and notice that it was just some cloth that she had wrapped around her ankle and i noticed that the swelling that should be there wasn't. so she had some knowledge on treating wounds. which made me wonder and want to know more about her.

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