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"Touya! Get up Touya!" My fathers voice rang through my head. Whispers filled the room around me. "I didn't raise a weakling!"

He raised his hand, and it began to glow. Flames burst from his palm. I flinched. "You'll never be good enough to surpass All Might!"

But right as the flames hit me, I fell. I fell into darkness. A black abyss. I kept falling. That was, until someone grabbed my hand. I couldn't see who. But I saw a red feather falling from above them. "I've got you."

But behind their silhouette, I saw Shoto. With his superior quirk. He was smiling. But then, behind him appeared the #2 hero. And then he disappeared.

Then everything faded to black.

I woke up and jolted up right. That's when I realized that Hawks was shaking me awake.

I heard his shaky voice. "Are you okay?" His face looked worried. "You were crying."

I realized that I was breathing heavily. So I caught my breath and then spoke. "I'm fine."

It was a lie obviously. I remember being woke up by Natsu. I would never tell him what the dream was about. Because sometimes it was about him and Fuyumi.

I then spoke again. "What time is it?"

Hawks looked at the clock. "It's midnight."

I stood up and walked over to the mini fridge that the school provided for snacks and drinks. I opened it and took a water bottle out. I started drinking it but then stopped.

My legs felt heavy. Then I fell into s crouching position and, I don't know why, but I started to sob. I kept crying and crying and crying.

Hawks ran to my side. "Hey! Are you okay?!"

He had one hand on my shoulder. I leaned into his chest and sobbed. He hesitated but then put his hand on my back and rubbed in circles. "Hey... it's okay..."

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. Tightly. I then felt something bigger wrap around me. His wings. It was soft, and comfortable.

We stayed like that for about 10 minutes. Then I went back to bed and we didn't talk about it.

The next morning, I got up and put my uniform on. Hawks was already gone.

I walked to my first class. I got in and saw some kids looking miserable. And some looking happy. One girl came up to me.

She had partially reptilian skin, and purple eyes. "Hey! I'm Kumi! Hiko Kumi!"

I stared at her blankly. And then she put an arm around me. "We're gonna be great friends!

She brought me over to another girl and boy. "This is Euko. Yuka Euko." She pointed to the boy. He had light yellow hair, and brown eyes. He also had elf ears.

Then she pointed to the girl. "This is Olive Smith. She's an American transfer student. Just call her Olive." She had really sharp teeth and a forked tongue. She had long green hair and blue eyes.

I slowly nodded. I never really got this much attention. People usually ignored me. Endeavor says that I'm not at school to make friends.

That's why I don't have a phone. Kumi spoke again. "What's your name?"

I decided to tell them just my last name. "Todoroki."

Olive gasped. She then spoke in an accented Japanese. "You're pro hero Endeavor's son! You must be SO strong!"

I then felt anger inside me. My fists clenched. But before I did anything, the teacher came in. He had glasses and short purple hair.

"We have a new student today! Would you like to introduce yourself?"

He put a hand on my shoulder which made me uncomfortable.  "Um... I'm Touya Todoroki. Don't talk to me."

Kumi, Olive, and Euko smiled.

I then sat at an empty desk.

The day went on very slowly. But it finally ended. I made my way to my dorm. When I got in, the first thing I noticed was that someone was in the bathroom. The second thing was that the door was open.

I looked in and saw Hawks standing in front of the mirror with a black eye.

I walked up to him. "Who the fuck did that to you?!"

He looked at me surprised.  "Oh! Um... no one. It's fine."

He then walked passed me to his bed. He got on the bed and started playing on his phone.

But it made me mad, seeing someone hurt that tried to help me. It was like looking at Natsu. After my father would hurt him for protecting me.

I clenched my fists. But then I relaxed and decided to do some homework.

A little bit later, Hawks left the room. I waited a minute before following him.

He walked into the courtyard but then in a hidden corner. I followed him and watched.

He stood in front of 3 older students. These ones I recognized. Olive, Kumi, and Euko.

Euko got closer to him. "So, where is it? HUH?!"

Kumi stepped up. "He asked you a question."

Hawks, shaking, pulled out of his pocket, two packs of cigarettes.

Kumi spoke again. "We TOLD YOU to get THREE!"

She then opened her mouth and it started to glow. Breathing fire. That was her quirk.

But before she could do anything, I spoke. "Stop!"

I stepped into view. All 4 of them looked at me in confusion. Olive spoke. "What do you want?"

Euko laughed. "You wanna help us? You are strong...aren't you?"

He then stopped to think. "Wait... Endeavor didn't send you here cause you're too weak... right?"

He then started to laugh. I thought back to my previous nightmare. I was saved. And the person's silhouette looked like Hawks. Time to return the favor.

My hand got hotter and hotter. I clenched my teeth at the pain. Then, fire burst from them. Blue fire. I then sprinted toward Euko.

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME WEAK!" I moved my arm all the way back, and then shot it forward, and blue flames shot at him.

He then caught on fire. He screamed. I looked at Olive and Kumi as Euko put the flames out. But I smiled. Because Euko would be forever scarred.

I then crouched low to him. "If you ever do anything to him," I gestured to Hawks. "Or tell anyone about this, I will burn you alive. Don't test me."

He nodded fast and I got up. I walked off and Hawks followed me.

"W-why'd you save me?" He quickly walked next to me.

"Because you helped me last night. I wanted to return the favor." I then stopped. "If they EVER do anything to you again. Tell me." I then kept walking.

He nodded and then smiled. "Can we be friends?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. No one has ever asked me that before. But then I smiled. "Sure."

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