Call Me Keigo

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Hawks' POV

Fumihiro looked at me with horror when he heard the bag drop. I gulped, part of me hoping that I can gulp the pain away. It felt like slow motion as I stepped back, tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt my feathers go in attack mode, ready to shoot at him. I couldn't control them.

But after a few seconds, I stopped them from attacking him and then I ran. I ran back to my dorm room while I cried. I heard Fumihiro running after him but I was faster. I even used to my wings to go faster. I could barely see in front of me as I sobbed. Everything slowed down as I remembered me cuddling into him on his bed as he held me. I imagined him kissing me while I was under him. I imagined him telling me that he loved me. Him sleeping on the other side of my phone.

I imagined what could've been if I hadn't seen him cheating. I would give him the watch and kiss him. He would hug me and tell me that he loves me. I would be happy. Everything that has been going on lately would disappear and it would just be me and him in that moment. Except I can't have that moment.

Instead, I was flying through the halls, and through the staircase as I tried to get to my dorm. Fumihiro was still chasing after me as I flew feathers toward him, trying to get him to go away. But he dodged them. I imagined when we were younger and I watched him all the time as we got ready to leave class. I thought of when he looked at me. I thought of when he first approached me. I thought of his smile that was once comforting to me. The smile that now made me want to throw up. The same lovey smile that he gave to the person he shared spit with.

When I got into the hallway, Fumihiro was behind me, slamming into the hallway and away from the stairs. I slammed the door open, immediately seeing Todoroki look at me from his bed with surprise. I ran in and slammed the door behind me, sinking against the door like I once did when I was love sick from the same person that had cheated on me.

I wrapped myself up in my wings as I sobbed into my knees, ignoring Todoroki's presence. He had sat up on the edge of his bed, staring at me with confusion. then I heard the bangs on the door, as Fumihiro yelled for me to come out. Begging me. But I didn't. I just sobbed, wings shaking. I squeezed a hug around my own legs, feeling more pain in my heart than I ever have before. I heard myself screaming at Fumihiro to go away. But he didn't.

Touya's POV

What the hell did he do?! Why was Hawks sitting in front of me, hugging himself with his wings as he sobbed into his knees? This was a totally different Hawks than the one who decided to be petty and annoy me by walking around naked. The one who woke me up from nightmares. The one who wrapped me in his wings as I cried on the ground. The one who came to my house with me. The one who never cried around me. The one who saved me from ruining my future.

...The one who I pushed away. The one who I threw aside when I couldn't handle looking at him. The one who, even though I did that, still stayed around. The one who saved me from my toxic girlfriend... The one who I fell for when I was 13-years-old.

I felt anger as I watched him sob into his knees while his boyfriend banged on the door. I saw... Shoto in him right now. My attention was immediately brought to the noise canceling headphones that I sometimes used when I visited home. They were in my nightstand. I turned and grabbed them before walking over to Hawks and putting them over his ears, smiling calmly at him. He looked up at me with a tear stained face filled with confusion. I was squatting in front of him, hiding my anger at Fumihiro.


I heard tiny hiccups as he stared at me. I ignored the sound from outside the room as I stared into Hawks' eyes. Before I knew it, Hawks pulled me into a hug and after a while of us sitting there, Fumihiro gave up and went away. I was hugging Hawks back.

It was... nice. My heart pounded against my chest during the hug. My palms became sweaty and I blushed. I... think I'm in love with him. I hugged him tightly and rested my head in the crook of his neck. I can... finally admit it. I love Hawks. Even if it's not allowed. Even if my father beats me again for it. I love him. And I won't ever deny those feelings again. I won't ever push him away. And I won't ever let my father make me think that it's wrong to love him. Because I do. And I'm proud.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at Hawks, and he looked at me with confusion. And then I kissed him. I held the back of his head, pushing his lips onto mine. And then everything went into slow motion. One hand had the back of his head while the other held his cheek. I felt nervous that he would push me away. But that feeling went away when he wrapped his arms around my neck. This was a lot better than kissing Akane.

I was never straight. I never had feelings for girls. I tricked myself into liking Akane but I was never able to trick my sexuality. I was always in love with Hawks ever since I first laid eyes on him. But unfortunately, Endeavor saw the look in my eyes when I looked at him. And he beat me for it. It was just unatural for me to like him. So I pushed him away. I hurt him. I made it to where he dated that piece of shit. I dated the person who raped my brother. And it was all because I listened to what my dad said.

Never again. I pulled away from the kiss and stared at Hawks in the eyes. He breathed heavily as I swallowed before talking to him truthfully for the first time in almost 3 years. "I'm so sorry, Hawks. I'm so so sorry." I looked down as I retracted my arms. "I never hated you. I... always loved you. And I hated that I loved you. Because I was punished for it." I looked at him with teary eyes. "I won't ever... EVER push you away again."

He stared at me with a tear slipping from his eye. And then he smiled. A smile that I missed. He leaned in and kissed me again. My heart was beating so fast. I loved him so much. I heard him mumble something from his lips. "I love you too, Todoroki."

I stopped him. "Touya. Call me Touya."

He opened his eyes and looked at me before smiling. "Okay... Touya."

He kissed me before saying something again. "In that case... call me Keigo."

I smiled back at him, kissing him. Keigo was that name I heard in the dream I once had. The dream where he held me back from his young self. His young self and the man in front of him. How did I know his real name? "Okay... Keigo."

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