The Last Dream

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Hawks' POV

When we heard screaming, I grabbed Touya and flew to the scene, fast. We saw the villain floating himself above everyone, picking up cars, and slamming them against the ground, terrifing the civilians. I saw Miruko already on the scene. She wasn't being moved. My guess says that he can only move two things at once.

I let Touya to the ground as we began to fight. I used my feather sword and tried a quick thing, flying towards him. But he grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I coughed up blood and I heard Touya scream my name. But as I stood back up, he focussed back on the villain, knowing I was okay. He faced his palm toward the villain who I was told went by 'Telekinetic'.  Fire burst from his palms and shot toward the villain.

An hour later~

The fight was going on for a long time. I flew towards the villain's back for the last time, with cuffs in my hands. I quickly put them against his wrists, shocking him. He had been holding a car up above Touya. But as it dropped, he jumped out of the way. When Telekinetic was contained, I turned to Touya and walked to him, hugging him as the civilians around us cheered. It was like the end of a movie.

I looked at Touya and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Let's go back home, Honey."

We both walked away and pushed through a crowed of reporters asking millions of questions. "What is the current status of your relationship, Hawks?" "Inferno, do you still recieve hate from your father, Endeavor?" "Hawks, based on your ring, are you guys fiances?"

I stopped at that last question. I smiled and turned to the microphone. "Yes. We are happily engaged." I held his hand to my lips and kissed it. "I'll be changing my last name very soon."

We both walked through the crowd as they yelled questions at us. When we were in a clear spot, I hugged Touya and then flew. I started to fly to our apartment but then stopped. Instead, I started to fly somewhere else entirely. He looked up at me when he noticed my change in direction. "Where are we going?"

I looked down at him and smiled. "Somewhere special."

I flew for a while until I landed on that same rooftop that I had brought him to to calm him down when he found out the child wasn't his. I stepped away from Touya as he looked around. He looked back at me and smiled. "The first rooftop you ever flew me to."

I smiled and kissed him before leaning my forehead against his, holding his hands in mine. "Yup. It may not have been happy but if it weren't for that moment, I may not have been here today, being in love with you. I could have lived a different life if we did anything differently."

He smiled a giddy smile and kissed me back, pulling me in after wrapping his arms around my thin waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him intently. After he let go, I felt like I wasn't satisfied but we both ended up leaving anyways, going back to our apartment.

We got inside and we both took our shoes off before I went to the kitchen to start making our dinner. After about 10 minutes of making some noodles and other meat to put in it, Touya decided to come invade my privacy. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. "Hey, Keigo."

I looked at him and smiled. "Hey."

He started to walk towards me. I backed up against the counter, putting my hands against it, and Touya leaned in and kissed me. There's been a lot of kissing lately. It would seem like we've been dating only for a few weeks.

Touya picked me up and placed me on the counter. He got in between my legs and held my waist, with my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. After a little while of being in this position, I realized the food was burning and shoved Touya out of the way, cursing at him. He laughed as I struggled to save the food that didn't yet burn and throw away the food that did.

His laugh made me laugh. After we both ate, we went to bed.

10 weeks later~

Hawks' POV

I flew towards the villain with hand cuffs in my hands. I sighed in relief as I finally cuffed him and stopped the hour long fight. The car he was holding up, dropped. I looked over there, and screamed when I saw who it had dropped on. I flew record speed over to Touya. Half of his body was under the car tire. I held his face as blood spat up. And then he died.

I woke up with a loud gasp. I caught my breath and looked at my ring. I smiled in comfort as I touched it with my index finger. I looked around, realizing that Touya had already left for work. It was rare. But sometimes he would leave without saying goodbye. Those times would only be because he didn't want to wake me up. I brought out my phone and sent a quick text to him.

Hawks: Love you, Baby. Have a good day at work.

I got up and remembered that I had to be somewhere today. So I got ready to go.

1 hour later~

I sat in the office, staring at peach colored walls. There was a desk in front of me with piles of paperwork and a picture that I couldn't see. It was faced toward the lady in front of me. She had a mossy color hair that was brought into a tight bun and a smooth face with light blue eyes. She had her nails painted light pink and was holding them. Behind her, was a sink with cupboards and cabinets. Next to the desk was a large, metal rectangle with drawers, probably holding years worth of paperwork.

Behind me was some pictures that were hung up on the wall and a mahogany door with a gold handle. I didn't quite remember why I was here. I just remembered that I was here.

The lady smiled at me. "So, Hawks. Have you been having any unsettling dreams?"

I shrugged. "Well I did have a dream this morning about my fiance dying in the fight against Telekinetic. I dreamt that he never jumped out of the way."

The lady seemed to look on in pity at me. "Well, Hawks-"

I suddenly remembered that Touya should be back by now. I hadn't told him I was gone so he might be worried about me. I jumped up out of my cushioned chair. "I'm sorry but I think I might need to go. My fiance's home now. And he likes to overthink a lot." I smiled at her apologetically. But then I stopped. I stared at her for a second. She looked sad when I mentioned Touya. "Wait... who are you again? Why am I talking to you?"

She motioned for me to sit down and for some reason, I felt compelled to do so. So I sat down, confused about this whole ordeal. She sighed heavily before continuing. "Hawks... I've told you this 10 times. You've been coming here for 10 weeks." She paused before continuing. "I am your therapist. And Touya... never dodged that car."

My eyes widened in horror. I felt the air leave my lungs as I suddenly remembered the events of these past 10 weeks. I hadn't seen Touya. I had come here every week, having this same conversation. I felt tears leave my eyes. And then, I heard my own sobbing wails.

(This is the last chapter:( I'm so sorry. But there will be an epilogue)

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