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Hawks' POV

It's been two years since you died. I did as we were supposed to and adopted a little girl. She's 8 years old and has a quirk she can barely control. Her name's Eri. She was saved in the raid of the Shie Hassaikai. She has PTSD and I'm sure I can help her. Just like I helped you.

I bring flowers to your grave every day with her and she always asks me in her tiny little voice, what I'm doing. She doesn't understand the concept but every time she asks, I kneel down to her and say, "I'm visiting my soulmate."

We moved to the apartment across from us and she has her own room. She decorated it with Lemillion and Deku merchandise. But I gave her a picture of you and she put it right above her bed. The perfect spot. She says that it's her favorite. She loves the stories about you. She says it's romantic and reminds her of a disney princess being saved. Even though you're the one who saved me.

I've had a few attractive guys ask me out but they're nothing like you. I haven't accepted their advantages and plan to stay single for a while, if not forever. I can't see myself with someone else. I don't want to love another after you. I feel happy enough like this. Alone.

I visit your family on a regular basis. Fuyumi still hasn't moved out but Shoto moved the moment he turned 18. Sometimes he stays over here. Eri seems to love him to death. She says how he looks just like 'The man in the picture.' Talking about you, of course.

I don't have many nightmares anymore. They stopped after I finally accepted your death but Eri runs into my room and comforts me when I do. I've also started to hang out around Eraser Head. He seemed pretty attached to Eri. He visits us a lot and never seems to turn away a chance to babysit her.

I found Akane. She had thankfully gotten an abortion a long time ago. She had been put in prison after multiple people confessed, including Shoto. Endeavor took major action when he found out.

I've even visited your mom. I told her stories about you and what you were like in the end. I showed her your ring that I still wear to this day. She cried when she saw it. She said that she had shown you a picture of that said that it should be the one he gives to me. You didn't accept the fact that you liked me at the time and you got mad and stormed off. You came back the next day and apologized, confessing that you had finally confessed. And I loved you back.

Today is Eri's first day of school this year. She's became friends with a boy named Kota. I hope he isn't going to be another Akane. But Eri told me that he was also saved by Deku. It makes me smile that she's making friends.

I've written a book about you. It mentions everything you've gone through. It mentions when you met me. It helps people understand just why Endeavor was stripped of his #1 spot. And why it was given to you. You earned it. The book is called, 'My Inferno.'

Eri had finally learned how to read all the way and now loves the book. It's her favorite. She once brought it for show and tell and everyone thought it was weird until she explained it. Even though you aren't related to her, and she's never seen you in person, she considers you her second father.

Sometimes I break down and I hate to burden Eri like this. But she reassures me that it's not a burden when she comforts me. She tells me, "It's what a hero would do."

Touya, our daughter wants to become a hero. She wants to save people. She is convinced that you are the greatest hero to have ever lived. And she wants to be just like you. She showed me a drawing of her future hero costume and I cried while looking at it. It has wings engraved in the back. And it has your colors. It's so similar to our own hero costumes. It's a mix between both.

She plans to either go to UA or go to the same boarding school we went to. And I approve of both. She says that if she doesn't get into UA, she'll go to the boarding school. And that she'll visit often. I love her so much, Touya. I would give my life for her. To make her happy.

Some people have asked me if I was just imagining her as you. And I've thought about it a lot. I don't. I imagine her as her own person. And then I think of you standing beside me, helping me along the way. When she curls up into a ball on her bed and cries, I sit next to her and wrap my wings around her, keeping her warm. But imagine that you are there next to her. There with me. Comforting me. Comforting her.

The feather necklace I gave you, the one from my own feather. It was buried with you. And I lost all contact with it. But I have another one. I gave it to Eri. We came up with codes. Certain movement in the air she will do that will signal that she needs help. Don't worry, it won't make me horny if she touches it in the wrong away. That doesn't happen anymore. Not since you're gone.

One last thing, Touya. I wanted to tell you this during our wedding: Touya. I never would have expected to be here now, loving you. I first saw you when you walked into my dorm room, looking like something the cat dragged in. And then started to care for you, more and more. I didn't know why you pushed me away but now I know that it's because you had your own problems.

When you finally accepted that I was the one there for you, I was the one that was going to stay, you kissed me. You kissed me at my worst, and brought me to my best the moment our lips touched. I thought the meaning of love was something including my wings or chicken wings. But no. Touya Todoroki, my connection to you is the meaning of true love. And now, I am ready to marry you.

(I started to tear up while writing this. But I will say, that there will be something after this of me talking and explaining a NEW Hotwings book that I plan to get out today. So be ready for that if you wanna check it out)

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