Two Heroes

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2 years later~

(Hawks is 14 and Touya is 16)

Hawks' POV

It finally happened! I got into the hero course. Todoroki also decided to become a hero a while ago. He goes by the name 'Inferno.' (Totally didn't get the hero name off of a comic I read online! Anyway, the comic is called childhood friends if you wanna read it)

I walked to my class and opened the door. There were similar classmates as before. I looked towards the back and smiled. Hino. Hino was in this class. I walked into the classroom and sat down. The teacher walked in and started talking to the class. The first thing we went to go do was a quirk apprehention test since they wanted to see exactly where we were. It was similar to what UA does.

We all walked to the locker rooms and put on our gym uniform which was literally just a grey sweatsuit. My sweatsuit had two holes in the back for my wings. I tried not look at Hino the whole time we got dressed. Then we all went out to the field. All of us stood in a line before we did some tests. We did the basic ball test and I used my feathers to fly the ball really far until I couldn't control them anymore.

Hino froze the air too make it thinner and threw the ball. There wasn't much he could do considering his quirk. There was one girl who used telekinesis. She had long, light blue hair and yellow eyes. She also had two black horns on her forehead. During role, I heard the teacher call her Hayami Kamiyama. She was really pretty. A lot of boys looked at her with awe. I looked at Hino and almost sighed in relief when I saw disinterest in his face when he looked at her.

We also did a little foot race but I just flew through it and got the top speed. After the whole thing, I had gotten the highest score. I was happy with that. When we were told the results, I felt someone come up to me while we looked at the scoreboard. I looked to my right and saw Hino. He was... smiling at me. "Good job, Hawks."

I smiled back at him. "Thanks, Hino!"

I looked at the scoreboard and saw that Hino got a score that was around the middle. But these tests didn't really do him any justice considering how good his quirk really is. He has a lot of potential. I've seen him train in the gym with a few other kids and he was really good at it!

We all walked back to the classroom and the teacher continued to talk to us about some stuff.

Touya's POV

I stood by Mr. Gogatsu as he told me some stuff to do to work on my quirk. I sighed as he walked back and I stood in front of the dummy. I pointed my right palm toward it and then got the rest of my body in position. I let my fire consume my hand, burning my flesh. I held back a reaction from the pain. I swirled around, making the fire swirl around me. Then I stopped to face the dummy and shot the fire at it, engulfing it in flames.

Mr. gogatsu smiled and walked back towards me when I extinguished the flames. I sighed in relief when the pain went away. My skin still sizzles on my wrist. Mr. Gogatsu seemed to notice it but didn't mention anything. He bowed his head towards me and smiled lightly with his hands behind his back. "It is time for us to go back to the classroom. Good job today."

Mr. Gogastsu is a man of average height. He is about 35 years old and has green hair that falls down onto his face with very light blue eyes.

We all walked to the locker rooms and got dressed from our hero costumes to the school uniform. My hero costume is similar to Endeavor's costume but instead of there being fire, it's just blue. The bottom part of the costume wasn't skin tight and was like normal pants. My hair was already normal white and you could see more burns on my skin.

After I got dressed into my uniform, we put our costumes up and went back to the dorms. I walked in and saw Hawks laying on his bed. He was texting someone on his phone. He looked happy. And he was blushing. I stared at him for a second before grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom. I closed the door and took off my shirt. But I winced when it dragged against a bad burn on my back. I threw the shirt on the ground and squeezed my eyes shut.

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