Feelings Arise

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Hawks' POV

I stood there, anger rising inside of me, watching as Akane stood in front of Todoroki, begging for his forgivness. I clenched my fists in anger. I clenched my teeth and then walked over to her, grabbing her by her hair, pulling her away, making her scream, and making Todoroki quiet.

I faced her towards me, grabbing her by the throat, and putting my face in her's, nose to nose. I growled my words in her face, ready to kill her right then and there. "Going after me and Mio was one thing but going after your boyfriends 8-year-old brother REALLY takes the cake! Be glad that I'm not killing you right here for raping Shoto!"

She stared at me with real fear. Fear that someone got when they were about to die. I squeezed my hand around her neck, making it hard for her to breath. But I continued. "If you EVER come back here. Even on these school grounds after tomorrow then I will be put in prison for murder!" And the crazy thing about that sentence... is that I was serious. I would murder her in cold blood and then willingly go to prison for it.

I let go of her and she ran out of the room. I stood there, still furious that she came back. Without saying anything, I went to sit on my bed and pulled out my phone. Todoroki was still staring at me. I glanced at him. "Doesn't my face annoy you? Why are you staring at me." With that, he turned away and walked out.

Touya's POV

I didn't expect that. I've never seen Hawks with that look on his face. He looked like he was about to kill her. It was... no. I shook my head as I walked outside. I was honestly glad that he stepped in. I didn't wanna deal with her.

Later that night~

Touya's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of whimpers. I sat up and looked over at Hawks. He was having another nightmare. I sighed as I got up from my bed. He helped me so it's only right for me to help him. I kneeled down next to him and grabbed his hand like I know that Natsuo does when I have a nightmare. After a few seconds, he calmed down. But... I didn't let go.

I sat there, trying to get myself to let go. But I couldn't. It... was just so warm. I felt... happy. Calm. I held his hand a little tighter. I felt my eyes relaxing. My whole body relaxing. And I... I smiled. I real... calm smile. I was actually happy. And not just an in the moment funny smile. I was happy with him. But then I stopped. I let go of his hand and got up, shaking my head. No. This is dangerous. I can't do this!

Hawks' POV

I looked around my quiet surroundings. It was normal. But... not. I was in the school hallways. But I could see or hear anyone. There were no birds outside. No bugs. No... plants. The plants were dead. I walked around the school halls and looked around. No one. Nothing. I started to run. I was all... all alone. I kept running. I ran out of the school and around the streets. At some point, I went back to the dorms and went inside.

I opened my door and looked in the room and didn't see anyone. I fell onto my knees and started to cry. I'm scared. Everyone left me. But then... I felt someone holding my hand. I looked down to my right hand and looked at it. But... there was nothing in it. No. I'm in a dream.

I woke up but kept my eyes closed. I... felt someone holding my hand. Todoroki... He was holding my hand. My heart started beating faster and I could feel my face heating up. He was... trying to stop my nightmare. But why? It was already over. And that was obvious so why wasn't he letting go? I waited a few seconds before he finally let go.

He walked away and went back to bed. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He had his back facing me. I sighed softly and smiled. He... helped me.

Touya's POV

I woke up the next morning and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I sat up and saw Hawks changing his shirt. I yawned before I asked him where he was going. He looked at me before grabbing his phone and putting it in pocket. "I'm going to surprise Fumihiro for his birthday." He grabbed a paper bag from his nightstand and left the room, leaving me in silence.

For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking that he was making a mistake. That something bad was gonna happen. But I shook off the thought and started to get dressed.

Hawks' POV

I smiled as I walked to Fumihiro's room, excited to surprise him with his expensive gift. He broke his last watch so I got him a vintage one. It was a lot of money. I had been saving for it ever since I met him. I felt giddy as I walked to his room.

When I got to his room, I was about to knock, but thought better of it since it was supposed to be a surprise since he told me he's always sleeping at this time. So maybe I can make his time waking up really nice. I grabbed the door nob and smiled wide as I pushed open the door. But right when I looked inside, I stopped smiling. My heart sank and I stared right in at the one thing I was terrified of.

Right there, on Fumihiro's bed, he was right on top of Haru, both shirtless, and making out. I dropped the bag and stared, my chest filling with pain. And then I cried. RIght then and there, I cried.

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