Yumi's Plan Part 2

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Hawks' POV

I've known Yumi for a long time and while I've never really been too close to her, she's one of the only people that I've told my name to. I've only done so because I knew if I was in trouble she would be able to teleport to me. She promised to me that she wouldn't tell anyone what my name was. She never repeated it after hearing it from me.

She says that she tells Mio everything but she still hasn't told her my name. I trust her. This means that I trust her to not do anything to rash even if I don't like her plan. I knock on her door and wait a few seconds before she opens it, allowing me in.

I walk inside and stand in the middle of the room. I've only been in here once before and that was when Yumi was breaking down and Mio wasn't going to the school yet. I looked at Yumi as she closed the door. I had my hands in my pockets. She walked over to the bed closest to the door and sat down, Mio sitting on the opposite bed. I took my hands out of my pockets and crossed them. "So, what's your plan."

Yumi put her hands in her lap and crossed her legs, putting her back to the wall. "I have two. The best one includes your help."

This got my attention. "What do you mean?"

She sighed and looked at me with a serious expression. "I need Todoroki's trust for this plan."

I half-heartedly laughed. "That's a useless plan. He doesn't like me."

She frowned. "I was afraid that would be the case." But she looked worried.

I shifted my weight. "What is it? Is it the second plan?"

She nodded. "The second plan isn't as good. How it goes all depends on Todoroki's reaction. Otherwise I don't have another plan that won't get us expelled on the spot."

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "What's the first plan?"

She looked uncertain as I said that. Like it was useless to even explain. But even so, she answered me. "I need his cooperation since he is dating her. I need him to record them alone. And if she wants to try to do something with him but he says no, I want everyone to see how she acts to that answer. Without him giving in."

I took in a deep breath. I doubt it would work well. I let out the breath. "What's the second plan?"

Yumi tensed up. Mio started to speak instead. "It involves me."

I looked over at her. She looked uncomfortable. "I knew that the first plan wouldn't work because of how Todoroki treats you. So I told her that I will act as bait. She hasn't went after you in a long time and it was only a little bit ago when she went after me but it isn't gaurenteed that she will still go after other people seeing as she has a boyfriend now. But Yumi doesn't like it. I would basically put myself in the same situation that Todoroki would be in."

I stared at them for a few seconds before responding. "It's not guarenteed that you could even be in a room alone with her. She always with Todoroki." Then my eyes lit up. "Unless..."

Yumi perked up and looked at me with hope. "You have an idea?"

I smiled. "We go with Mio's idea. But she will be with me in the room at the same time that Todoroki is in there with Akane." Yumi's stare urged me on to continue. "Me and Mio will be hanging out while Akane and Todoroki does God knows what and then we get someone, preferably a guy, to knock on the door and ask for our help, leaving her alone with Mio."

Yumi smiled. "Lets do it."

Touya's POV

The door opened and I looked over to see Hawks. Without saying anything, I looked back at my phone. I felt nice after my time with Akane. Hawks sat on his bed silently and got on his phone.

3 weeks later~

Hawks' POV

We still hadn't gone through with the plan since Todoroki was hanging out in Anake's dorm and they had gone to his place for the weekend again. They had just gotten back today and Todoroki just opened the door. He walked in the dorm with his bags and I looked at him, knowing damn well that he would get mad if I said anything.

He glanced over at me and then set his bags down, going back to ignoring me. I looked back at my phone and pulled up Yumi's messages.

Hawks: He's back.

Yumi: Good. We should get more chances now.

Hawks: Hopefully.

I put my phone away and rolled over to take a nap.

Touya's POV

I laid against the headboard and sat there silently. There was something weird going on with Akane. I just know it. She kept acting distant when I was at home and the others seem to not like her as much. Especially Shoto. I don't know what's going on. We haven't had sex in 2 weeks and I'm itching for release. The only problem is that Hawks is usually in the dorm room and I wouldn't be so low to do it near someone.

I pulled out my phone and looked at it before turning it off right away because I don't know what to do. Something caught my attention next to me when I heard Hawks making noise in his sleep. Whimpering. He was having a nightmare. I took in a deep breath and held back the urge to wake him up. It was useless.

2 weeks later~

Hawks' POV

I stood in the middle of Yumi's room like most of our meetings. "We haven't had any opportunities." I looked at Yumi as she spoke. "Are you sure we can even go through with this plan?"

I sighed. "I don't even know. I mean, maybe I could attempt to try the first plan."

I heard Mio's voice and looked in her direction. "But if we fail, he'll be suspicious of us."

Yumi looked at her. "You're right."

I shrugged. "Should we... I don't know... just not do the plan?"

Yumi looked at me. "What?"

I crossed my arms, suddenly feeling insecure. "I mean, I don't feel like I have the right to do this. I feel like I'm invading somewhere I don't belong even if I am willing to go through with this. But... maybe this is all a sign that we shouldn't do this."

Mio stood up. "NO! I am not wasting this time of being stressed all the time! I have worked so hard to build up this courage and I'm not throwing it away!" She walked towards me andd grabbed my shoulders. "Think about when she went after you. Think about how scared you were. Think about how she showed no mercy towards you and acted as if you weren't real. She didn't listen to a damn thing you said! So don't you dare say that we shouldn't do this. You have the right to do this just as much as I do! Because guys can be raped too."

My eyes widened at her words. She... was right. We need to go through with this. I nodded my head, now feeling determination. After that, I left the room and headed for my dorm. When I opened the door, I saw Akane crying in Todoroki's arms. I stood there, confused. Todoroki was trying to calm her, asking what was wrong.

Then she looked up at him and yelled something in his face. Something that made me freeze. "Touya, I'm pregnant!"

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