The New "Friend"

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Hawk's POV

I got back to the dorms and looked around. Touya wasn't here though. I put my backpack down near my bed and grabbed some clothes out of my dresser. I walked towards the bathroom and closed the door. While I was getting dressed, I heard the door open and close. Touya was back.

I picked up my dirty clothes and then left the bathroom. I looked into the room as I closed the door again and out my clothes in my hamper. I saw Touya grabbing some of his own clothes and going to the bathroom.

I sat on my bed and took out my binder, putting my homework on it, and then starting to do my homework. I worked on some of the math homework first. I did a few questions before coming across one that I didn't understand. I stared at it for a few minutes until Touya came out. I looked at him and smiled a little. "Hey, can you help me with this question? I don't understand it."

He looked at me before dropping his clothes in his hamper and walking over. I showed him the paper and he looked at it for a few seconds. Then he gave a brief answer and then walked over to his bed and grabbed his backpack.

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Touya!"

But right when I said that, he froze. He didn't tirn around though. But he said something quietly yet loud enough for me to hear. "Don't call me by my first name, Hawks."

I stopped smiling. "...What?"

He turned around and looked at me. His eyes were watering up. His face was red and he had his fists clenched, along with his jaw. And then he said something that made my heart sink. "It's Todoroki to you."

I sat there, silently, confused, and still. He... told me that he didn't like his family name. Yet now he won't let me call him by his first name. I looked back down at my homework, holding back tears, and then I smiled a little bit. I fake smile of course. "Sorry... Todoroki..."

1 month later~

Touya's POV

I stood up once the bell rang and packed my things. I heard someone walk up to me. It was Ito. She put her hands on my desk and looked at me. "Hey, Todoroki! Some of us are hanging out at the new coffee shop that just opened up! Wanna come."

I shook my head. "No. You already knew that I wouldn't come. Why even ask?"

She shrugged her shoulders and picked up a pencil that was on my desk. "Why don't you wanna come?"

I sighed and looked at her. "Me and my brother are going to visit my mom. She left home a week ago. Why would I skip the visit to go to a coffee shop?"

I grabbed the pencil from her and she watched some of the students leave. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, I'll see you later, I guess!"

She turned away and started walking towards the door. I yelled towards her as I continued to put my stuff away. "Bye, Ito!"

She turned around and walked backwards, calling out to me. "I told you to call me Akane!" Then she turned around and walked out of the classroom.

Hawks' POV

I looked towards the door as it opened. I was currently playing video games. Todoroki walked in and glanced over at me before walking straight to his bed. I didn't say anything as he went to the bathroom and got dressed. He came out and put his shoes on. But right before he left, he stood by the door and looked back at me. "Hawks, make sure to clean up, the dorm inspections are tonight."

I glanced at him and then looked back at the TV. "Okay thanks, Todoroki."

He then closed the door and left. I got used to treating him like someone I didn't know. It got easier and easier. He started hanging around a girl and spending less time in the dorm. And now he's leaving once a week to visit his mom in the hospital. I remember the day that it happened, he had a break down on his bed when he got a letter from his sister.

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